The problem with having such a grossly oversized military is that it comes with a grossly oversized pressure to use it. I had high hopes that President Obama could resist, but obviously that’s not the case. Democrats and Republicans are as far apart ideologically as they’ve ever been, but ever since the relentless belittlement of Jimmy Carter, the nightmare all presidents have in common is that they might appear weak. And the best way to look strong is to build up some country or terrorist group as a “threat to our nation” and then bomb the crap out of them.
Of course, none of this would happen if the American public wasn’t so easily manipulated by greedy warmongers who use patriotism, troop hero-worship, and hate to get the populace salivating for our military to kick some ass. I can almost hear CEOs of military manufacturing companies, as they give orders, behind closed doors: “Hey, 2015 is almost here. It’s time to move out the 2014 killing machines and make room for the new ones!”
Someday, hopefully, Americans will come to realize that the most peaceful country isn’t the one that most frequently uses their big bombs—it’s the one that most frequently uses their big brains.
Marty Essen