by Jill Deppel, Hamilton
Ongoing concerns
The following letter was sent to the RCC:
Dear Commissioners Burrows, Chilcott and Huls,
As members of “Save-the-Neighborhoods,” we have concerns about the potential easement and subdivision being developed between Kurtz and Big Corral roads in the County of Ravalli. It has been an agenda item for several months on the Ravalli County Park Board, as well as having been an agenda item for the Ravalli County Commissioners.
Our concerns are as follows:
1) The issues of traffic and safety on Kurtz Lane and Big Corral Road:
At a meeting with the Ravalli County Commissioners on January 31st numerous members of the public voiced concerns about the traffic congestion and safety of school children . Mr. Burrows and Mr. Chilcott indicated that they would be able to get something done promptly. They would obtain a lower speed limit and post signs indicating a school district, both from north and south directions. No action has happened!!!
2) Transparency in Government:
Any further communications with Ravalli County Commissioners should be totally transparent and no further phone conversations with the developer that do not include the public should occur. All meetings must be open and contacts with the developer need to be public.
3) Easement(s) issue:
We understand that the developers have submitted a counter proposal regarding these easement(s). Has there been any meeting with Park Board Members and Ravalli County Commissioners regarding these easement(s)? From the beginning process in 2023 there have been several on the Ravalli County Park Board who have voiced confusion with both easement(s) as they were voted on, and how they were presented to the Ravalli County Commissioners.
4) Water issues:
Potential contamination of the Daly Ditch with fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides being used on vegetation on the subdivision property and how that would impact wells and fields downstream from the development.
5) Has there been a response to the letter from Browder Law PLLC dated February 15, 2024?
We support a meeting with all three Ravalli County Commissioners as well as the Ravalli County Park Board to be scheduled in the evening to allow for those who work to be able to participate.
Please give us an opportunity to discuss this with you and the Park Board. We are citizens of Ravalli County, and this is so very important to us who live in the area of this potential development.
Thank you.
Cc: Ravalli County Park Board