by Leslie Kulju, Stevensville
The 2021 movie and 4th installment of the series, “God’s Not Dead,” calls attention to the matter of homeschooling and the fight for families to maintain their rights to educate their children as they see fit. The ending scene in which the pastor speaks in court defending parents’ rights nails on the head the state of our government and their overreach of the rights of “We The People,” not just regarding homeschooling, but in the lives of every American. He quotes, “Today was about turning neighbor against neighbor. That’s part of your plan, isn’t it? Keep us all divided. So bit by bit, we don’t realize you’re chipping away at our freedoms and liberties. You got us all talking about how Noah got all the animals on the ark. Meanwhile, you’re crafting legislation that will allow the government to barge into our homes because it’s all about power for you. And the only way that you can get more power is by taking it from someone else. And that would be all well and good if it wasn’t for that pesky thing called the constitution that keeps getting in your way. (Judge interrupts). No, I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to the people who elected you. Because as inconvenient as it is, sir, this is where your power comes from! You see those statues and those monuments out there? They say, ‘You work for us! A government of the people, by the people, for the people.’ So stay out of our homes and churches. And yes, stay out of our children’s education. Because what you call teaching, Mr. Chairman, is really social engineering. Your history is being rewritten, biology is redefined, and right and wrong are erased. Our children don’t belong to the government and neither does our country. America belongs to its citizens, to each and all. To the farmers in Texas, to the window cleaners in New York, to the cabinet makers in Maine and the teachers in Oklahoma, to every man, woman, and child. It belongs to the people! We the people. Freedom is a fragile thing. It must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation.” AMEN.