by Richard “Sonny” Schwinger, Hamilton
As a follow up to my opinion note, concerning the need for responsible covenants being enforced, at the Bobcat Lane H.O.A. additional information was requested. My resource for my opinion is being a Vice President of 10 years to a condo-association, and a licensed realtor for 50 years. Our membership may gain information from experiences in my past.
The current board members may be easily replaced, as each homeowner sends me a proxy note. The signed and dated note would be a choice of replacements for the current board members. If chosen as a Vice-President, I would be thrilled to work beside replacements, for the offices of President and Secretary Treasurer. We may choose to enforce road issues, and all the rules homeowners vowed to follow, outlined in the Declarations and Covenants.
As requested, the DML Law Offices sent my concerns, in a letter to the board, dated May 12,2020. Markette & Chouinard Law Offices responded in a letter dated May 29th, 2020. Both letters should have been available to the homeowners.
The response from the board’s representative was weak and disjointed. The letter indicated that the board chose to enforce our Covenants! Covenants and Declarations are purposed to protect our well-being and monetary investment. To choose to buy a home is one of the most important decisions of a lifetime. Four members attended last year’s annual meeting, while 14 did not! Of that number, nine homeowners requested that I write a follow-up to my initial letter.
Soon all members will be notified of the Summer Annual Meeting. To be fair and objective, this gathering is expected to be at a public location. If held at the Pizza Hut or Senior Center, I will supply the food and beverages. Being a retired teacher I expect all children should be also welcome.
Also noted is that entire home may be used as rentals. A violation occurs when a house is subdivided for commercial purposes into separate units, and rent is charged. I have been scared witless, as after dark, strangers in vehicles approached my home. Awakened by dogs barking and bright security lights, from my porch, I asked “Why are you here?” I learned they intended to visit the tenants in the Illegal rental!
When your rules are enforced, this incident would not have been possible. The safety of the elderly and families are clearly at risk.