by Carole Berkoff, Victor
Hal Schmid’s opinion piece in the Missoulian May 5th, explained how he was taught from a very young child that gun ownership meant responsibility to safely handle firearms with care and respect in order to bear arms. Responsibility came before rights.
Gary Marbut, President of Montana Shooting Sports, missed the opportunity to be a responsible gun advocate to offer responsible gun standards and boundaries to stop the epidemic of mass shootings.
Mr. Marbut said it is illogical to demand gun control. (Justice Scalia said otherwise.) Background checks on the Uvalde shooter did not prevent him from acquiring a gun. What he failed to mention is that by increasing the age of gun purchase, the shooter would not have been able to purchase the gun. He failed to mention that by not selling large capacity magazines, the shooter would not have been able to shoot off 30 rounds in 30 seconds shredding bodies. His title “quit jumping to conclusions” ended leaving me to wonder what he meant by “tool” for school staff and he offered “real solutions.” Gun advocates such as Representative Adam Kinzinger and Rep Mike Thompson have offered responsible solutions absent in Mr. Marbut’s May 5th guest view.
Senators Tester and Daines, bring HR8 & 1446 to the Senate for discussion.