To say the town council meeting last week was disturbing would be an understatement. The meeting agenda did include further discussion with the planners of the Burnt Fork Estates subdivision. I had assumed that the word “discussion” would include an opportunity for we citizens of Stevensville to not just comment but perhaps actually get to ask questions of the planners representing the developers. NO SUCH DISCUSSION HAPPENED! NO COMMENTS WERE ASKED FOR!
This public meeting was purely for the planners to make their case and refute EVERY concern that has been raised by citizens in the last year. As a resident of Creekside Meadows, I felt vilified, was made to be nothing but a complainer, and we just plain aren’t smart enough to understand their plan.
In addition, they are asking for a new evaluation of the impact on our Public Works (water capacities, sewerage treatment capacities and waste water management) by the newly hired Public Works supervisor. Is that a total disregard from the previous evaluation by a supervisor who had participated and led the department for 30 years? Felt like it to me!
In addition, the planners feel that they should not be questioned nor asked to pay for any water system improvement because our city has needed a storage tower and more wells for a long time; total disregard for all of us that are still paying and will continue to pay for the last system improvements over the next 20-30 years of our lives. I wonder who will pay for those improvements when they become necessary. Lest I forget, the planners said they will address any of those problems when they arise during the building phases. And just how will a cash strapped small town pay for any of that?
The planners also don’t think the increased traffic on Creekside Drive, Logan Lane, Eastside Highway nor Middle Burnt Fork should be of any concern to anyone because those intersections are already a problem……..why should they accept any monetary or moral responsibility for increasing the hazards on those roads? Oh, I forgot, they have offered $200 per lot for Logan Lane improvements if needed. AND, if that isn’t enough, a special improvement district could be formed! Their plan clearly states that the lot owners of Burnt Fork Estates will be REQUIRED TO WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO OPPOSE ANY SID’S if they become necessary.
The realization that 5 people (the mayor and 4 council members) have our futures in their hands is very frightening. I can only pray that they fully realize what is at stake here; our financial futures as Stevensville residents is certainly in their hands as well as our safety on the roads, our emergency services response times, our children’s access to quality education without overcrowding and the success of our main street businesses.
Nancy Kopszywa
Stevensville MT