by Jim Parker, Hamilton
Let’s do the math. How much is 134,000,000 divided by 6? Did you get 22.333+?
$134,000,000 is how much Tim Sheehy’s Bridger Aerospace spent buying back shares of its Preferred Legacy Stock (PLS) from early investors. 6,000,000 is the number of PLS shares Tim Sheehy’s Bridger Aerospace bought back. $22.33 is the average price paid by Tim Sheehy’s Bridger Aerospace for each PLS owned by an early investor. Today, it (BAER/Bridger Aerospace) is trading at under $2/share, under 10% of the price Tim Sheehy paid to his early investors not quite a year ago.
Next, let’s tackle the thorny part. Who held the PLS Tim Sheehy’s Bridger Aerospace bought back at an average price of just over $22.33 per share? Did Tim Sheehy himself hold any PLS? Members of his household? His brother? Current or former employees? Close friends or more distant relatives?
Normally in Montana reporters or even just a member of the public can ask these types of questions and get an answer from a candidate for public office. Honesty and transparency are Montana Values enshrined in the New Constitution we adopted more than 50 years ago. They are norms which are grounded in the lessons we learned from our history, the legacy of Copper King Corruption.
But not since the transplants took over Montana. Sheehy’s campaign manager does not share these values. He’s a New Jersey native. As Governor Gianforte’s Strategic Communications Specialist, he ended up on the losing side of at least five lawsuits finding the body slamming New Jersey native, ex-congress person had violated Section 9 of Montana’s Constitution: The Public Right to Know.
No, Jack O’Brien, Tim Sheehy’s campaign manager, refuses to permit him to be interviewed by the media, make unstructured public appearances, and answers documented news stories about Sheehy’s lies with avalanches of ad hominem, red herring, guilt by association fallacies. Even the college he attended costs north of $81,000/year, at least some of its graduates are not aware these errors are sins in political rhetoric.
Tracy Wood says
Who the Hell cares? Good Lord. Tainted Tester takes more Lobbyist Money(Bribes) than any member of Congress.
Bill Cavanaugh says
Zzzzzzzz Who gives a crap. Now do Politicians like Nancy Pelosi or AOC, who made Millions on a Government salary
WMA says
Still no, Bill.