by Danny Tomlinson, Hamilton
Cartoon characters can be fun on TV, but they are dangerous in real life. Theresa Manzella, the Duck Dodgers of the local radical right, is one such character. We have survived her so far, but I do not think we can afford her any longer. Perilous times demand more from leadership. Allow me to provide an example of how Manzella falls short.
In April, 2022 she exchanged blows with Dave Bedey in the Star. In her preposterous attack, she twitted him for sponsoring a bill which she actually voted for! Now ponder this for a moment. Is she so arrogant that she believes she can openly deceive and not be scrutinized for it, or is she a flip-flopper who votes one way one day, then pivots to the opposite side on the next? In the first case she comes off as a liar. In the second case, she comes off as wishy-washy. This is rich, since she excoriated her opponent in her first senate race on the accusation of flip-flopping. Either answer to this question puts her in a very bad light, revealing a character unbecoming the office.
I appeal to voters in Senate District 44 to vote for Wayne Rusk. We need steadfast integrity at the helm of leadership. Wayne can provide this, Manzella not so much.