by Roger Hagan, Great Falls
I am writing this letter in support of Representative Michele Binkley and her candidacy for House District 85. As a 40 plus year advocate at the State Legislature for Montana Veteran and military interests, I can affirm without concern that Representative Binkley is a staunch supporter of our Montana Veterans.
I am a 38-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force/Montana National Guard and a former State Representative who has worked with legislators to encourage their understanding and support of the needs of our veterans. In the past four years I have had the opportunity to work with Michele and I have found her to be truly engaged in seeking knowledge of our military and veteran issues. She is deliberate in her consideration of our efforts, asks questions about our concerns, and seeks to reach a reasoned solution.
The 2023 68th Legislative Session was a particularly brisk session for our veterans and military members. I tracked dozens of bills in committee and assessed the vote of multiple legislators. In the 33 bills that I used as my measuring stick, I am pleased to report that your Representative, Michele Binkley, was 100% in voting for our Montana Veterans and military members.
It is because of her stellar record with our veterans, I ask you to support the re-election of Representative Michele Binkley for House District 85.