by Bill Cavanaugh, Corvallis
A few weeks back, Mary from Hamilton tried to tell me that Joe Biden “created” 15MM jobs. One of many lies he spewed during the worst state of the union speech in our nation’s history.
Over 12MM of the jobs were people returning to work after the pandemic slowed, he did not “create” them. Trump’s net gain of jobs in taking into account the pandemic was over 6MM jobs; Joe comes in at a paltry 4MM. In every jobs report there are 70K government jobs in there, so Joe is using your tax dollars to pay more government workers to make his number look better than they are. Just like him going against the Supreme Court and paying off billions in student loans. He’s BUYING votes with your tax dollars, so when your IRS form asks if you’d like to donate to the presidential campaign, it is moot. You already are so make sure you don’t miss any workdays.
Biden also leads the league in adding part time jobs. Since he took office, 1MM full time jobs have been lost. Part time jobs exceed full time jobs being added by 10X. In case you haven’t noticed, the amount of people who take a second job in this economy is off the charts. Why? Because “Bidenomics” is actually “Bidenflation”and they can’t make ends meet.
The White House claimed 335,000 jobs were added in January (since adjusted down 120,000) yet somehow the Bureau of Labor says the number of persons in the workforce dropped by 31,000… Hmm. Also 82,307 lost their jobs from tech to manufacturing in January. It’s all smoke and mirrors to hide his poor economy, folks.
He also sells this bunk that he lowered insulin prices… Haha. He took away Trump’s mandate, prices went up from $35, then he negotiates $35 and says he fixed it. It wasn’t broken, Joe, until you broke it.
So with this jobs report for March, he then tries to compare it to March 2020. I recall specifically that the country SHUT DOWN on March 16, 2020 and people immediately lost their jobs due to the pandemic, so he is again cherry picking propaganda.
I have a ‘63 Corvette, it’s up on blocks as the transmission gets rebuilt. This would be like Joe saying his ‘63 Corvette could beat mine right now. Meanwhile, once mine is put back together, I guarantee I’d dust that old goat and make him pay my $3.54 per gallon gas expense.
WMA says
Trump certainly created a lot of jobs, considering how many defense attorneys are now working full time because of him.