by Laura Garber, Hamilton
As a farmer, I have spent the past 25 years mostly outside. I’ve come to recognize, and find the need to share about, the very serious threat to farms, our soils, our health, and the entire Earth system.
It’s geoengineering.
Those stripes across the sky – planes didn’t do that before. From what I have learned, those stripes aren’t harmless water condensation, they are actually nanoparticles of aluminum, surfactants, and other chemicals that are being sprayed into our atmosphere. Remember looking at clouds as a kid? The skies have changed, haven’t they!?
It is SO unfortunate, so deeply sad and truly BAD, but yet it Is happening. And, we MUST stop it.
Please take the time to learn about how and why geoengineering is happening. This topic has been held in the dark and put into a category that ensures instant disbelief: conspiracy theory. I sure wish it were just a theory or a misbelief or suspicion. I understand why, for so many of us, we unconsciously choose to believe that it must be a lie. We disregard the idea along with anyone who spouts it. It’s a lot easier to do that because deep down we know it will just be so darn painful to admit and see the ugly truth of the matter. Look up chemtrails and you’ll easily get led down the path to conclude I’m nuts and, really, it’s just cute puffs of water vapor harmlessly floating behind the lovely high-altitude jets… Geoengineering, that’s the proper term to look up. has a hugely informative website and has produced a tragically hard to stomach, reality-check type of movie, called “The Dimming,” that details the process of geoengineering. Again, it’s so utterly bad that this is happening, and by our ignorance or silence, we’re complicit in letting it continue to happen.
Geoengineering is destroying our atmosphere and its ozone layer, polluting our soils and the air we breathe, and causing weather that is just plain erratic! It’s not fixing any climate problem, nor is it just a theory or idea. Geoengineering is moving full steam ahead, with massive implications that are being ignored or hidden.
The public needs to know the truth about geoengineering. It’s not about belief or sides or any of that. It’s about humans perpetrating ecocide, whether through hubris or nefarious motives, and it must end now!
A couple weeks ago, on one of those really nice sunny and unseasonably warm mornings in late March, I counted 25 stripes across the sky and saw five high-altitude planes spewing out that thin white stream. Within an hour, all the stripes had spread out and blended into the sky, looking like a very high thin cloud cover.
Those were no natural clouds, though. ‘Clouds’ generated with geoengineering can apparently be manipulated and moved, and can cause large weather anomalies. President Lyndon Johnson publicly spoke of his excitement at our country’s then budding science to manipulate the weather – it’s not a new idea. We have all just let ourselves be distracted and fractioned, but it’s too much to miss now!
If you are a politician, official, or someone running for office, I very much hope you will make revealing and ending geoengineering a priority. Very recently, Tennessee lawmakers passed a law to prohibit geoengineering in the skies above their state. In our seats of power, please let’s clear the smog around this topic and bring to light the end of geoengineering.
I bet most of you have noticed the increasing number and frequency of stripes in the sky, too. Or maybe you’ve noticed when a sunny clear sky gets sort of gauzed-over looking. It’s right in front of us, hidden in plain sight. If Carl Sagan were alive, geoengineering would never have been allowed to progress this far. Who is going to stand up and sound the alarm for the atmosphere this time? You? Me? Us? Yes!
It is heartbreaking to the core the damage geoengineering is causing to our atmosphere and our health. And, it is so heartening to know you as neighbors and wonderful humans who are capable of so much positive action. I know we can change to the future we all want, when we come back together as communities of humans, no longer divided and rather united in right action to ensure that life on Earth, Love, Harmony, and Beauty thrive. This thought puts my heart back together.
Please, learn the truth about geoengineering. We need to raise our voices and make geoengineering a thing of the past. If it’s allowed to continue, the guarantee of any livable future on planet Earth is certainly off the table for humankind.
Yes, it is THAT BAD.
Thanks for your consideration. I know we will live up to our potential for good, for protecting our Earth home, and for being Team Human! 🙂
Also, did you know that the Earth’s atmosphere is as big and thick in comparison to the Earth as the skin of an apple is compared to the apple itself? Too much pressure on the skin and the bruised apple’s flesh goes bad. Huh, makes our atmosphere feel pretty delicate with lots to protect from harm.
WMA says
What’s next. The dangers of floride?
Gomez says
Google “chemtrails debunked.”. 100 articles will come up. Chemtrails are not a thing. It’s a conspiracy theory.
Gomez says
Start here:
Rakun says
Very interesting. Actually the discharge of metallic particles would not create a contrail (condensation trail). My pilot father taught me years ago that these trails are the result of hot gases in contact with a very cold upper atmosphere causing water vapor to condense behind the jet engine exhaust.
Nowadays, with everyone having a camera, it’s difficult to hide such an elaborate enterprise requiring large tanks, hoses, nozzles, and storage facilities. Hard to believe one of the pilots, inspectors, or mechanics would keep mum about it. A whistle blower would achieve instant world-wide recognition in revealing this activity.
Sorry Laura, but, having worked outside myself for 40+ years I haven’t noticed the difference in the sky. This concern doesn’t pass the critical thinking test.