by Jerry Esmay, Stevensville
Help! The local American Legion Posts need help in recruiting high school students to attend our American Legion Boys State/American Legion Auxiliary Girls State program this summer. This is a week-long program that exposes our young citizens who are Juniors in high school to learning about the structure and operation of city, county and state level governments. Operated by students elected to various offices, attendees are involved in legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choral groups and recreational programs.
The Montana program will take place in Helena at Fort Harrison 16-22 June 2024. The cost per student is $300 but will probably be picked up by one of the Bitterroot Valley American Legion Posts. Home schooled students are also eligible for attendance. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Chuck & Cheryl Burgmeier at 406-531-4132, or
This is among the most respected and selective educational programs for U.S. high school students and has been in existence since 1935. Prior attendees have always expressed positive comments about their experiences. Attendees may also have a chance of winning a $5,000 Samsung scholarship.