by Brian Potton, Stevensville
Many years ago I took pen in hand and challenged all valley Veterans to wake up and pay attention to our youth due to the dismal support, attendance and respect given to the area schools’ Veterans Day ceremonies. I made a call to action ,and by golly it worked, and attendance was tenfold of the previous year. Obviously, it is time to do so again as attendance and support has waned over the past few years.
These kids (and teachers) put their hearts and souls into putting together a topnotch program and it is quite embarrassing to me to see only maybe a dozen or so Veterans show up to receive the recognition they deeply deserve for their sacrifices.
I often hear folks say that our youth are disrespectful of America’s Veterans and of America in general. Well, I say you reap what you sow. Respect is earned, not freely given. We need to start earning that respect back immediately. I believe it is completely disrespectful NOT to take the couple hours out of your day to attend this awesome event that is specifically put together to honor YOU and your fallen comrades. This valley has the highest concentration of Veterans per capita in the state, so how can this happen?
The speakers are always well chosen, and the performances are off the charts! I encourage all Veterans to attend. This year’s ceremony is November 10th at 1 p.m. in the Stevensville gymnasium. If you would like to attend but lack transportation please call Eric Larson at 406-777-5481, ext 132 or myself at 406-777-3626 and we will make every effort to get you there and back home. Let’s pack the place!
Semper Fidelis.
hsabin says
I totally agree. There are many veterans in this valley who should be recognized for their service to this country and it starts at home and then in the schools. How about getting a group together to do a presentation at each school at all levels and educate the teachers and children?
MAJ says
Well done and Semper Fi mac