by Susan (Sue) McCreary, Stevensville
I want to thank all of you people who answered the doorbell or knock on the door as I accompanied Wayne Rusk in his campaign for House District 88 Legislative Seat. Wayne’s heart-felt desire is to represent you in Helena In the next Montana State Session in 2023. Wayne has intently and patiently listened to people, and answered their questions in an intelligent and respectful manner. I learned much on the campaign trail listening to Wayne answer questions.
It has been my pleasure to meet many of you fine folks who live in Stevensville and in the District 88 area. It has been a memorable experience that I am thankful for, and that I will always remember.
Melva Neal says
I also went door to door and yes it was an amazing thing
The support for Wayne was awesome
I would like to point out that when the had questions I would let Wayne know and he would go bank and talk with the peopleI find him to be very honest and straight forwarid it has been my pleasure to be able to helpt I also want to thank all of the people that I met. Thanks to everyone.