By Allen B. Gates, Stevensville
Open letter to Ravalli County Commissioners
As noted in an earlier Open Letter to you, the Covid-19 pandemic is out of control in every state and globally! We are not “turning the corner”! Most states, including Montana, are setting daily infection, hospitalization, and death records! We are facing a long, dark winter!
Your letter of October 28, 2020 to Ravalli County Citizens was welcomed and much appreciated! It endorsed most of the CDC guidelines, However, it was silent on a critical element of success, taking personal responsibility and accountability for helping to control the pandemic!
Significant changes in our individual and collective behaviors are required! We need efficient and effective leadership that focuses on stopping the pandemic! Here’s a useful way to think about leadership. Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in World War all and 34th President said: “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”
A fact is something that actually exists! Key Covid-19 facts are: (1) it is airborne and highly contagious, (2) the primary transmission mode is close, sustained person-person proximity to others, (3) it is deadly for many elderly or those with poor health, (4) someone can unknowingly be a contagious carrier, (5) many health care systems are overloaded with enormous negative impacts on health professionals,(6) normal health care efforts are negatively impacted because of the massive Covid-19 demands, and (6) vaccines and treatment remedies are still in development.
Key consequences are (1) jobs, economic recovery, and education depend on gaining control over Covid-19 transmission, (2) the flu season is upon us, further overloading our health system, and (3) vaccines may be refused by many, a serious issue if vaccines are refused.
A large number of Americans and Montanans are not following the simple, cheap, effective, common sense remedies recommended by public health officials. The most effective remedies are (1) wear a face mask, (2) stay at least six feet from others, (3) wash/sanitize hands frequently, (4) minimize touching face, eyes, and mouth and (5) avoid large crowds.
Many claim Covid-19 is a hoax! Some claim the CDC guidelines are a mind control effort by the federal government. As one dying patient told a nurse, “I believe I made a mistake, I thought it was a hoax! It isn’t!” It is doubtful that any of the 10M+ who have experienced the disease agree that it’s a hoax! It is doubtful that any friends or relatives of those 240K+ who have died agree it’s a hoax!
Governor Bullock’s mandate has the force of law! Failure to comply is unlawful! Many falsely claim it’s their constitutional right to ignore the mandate. They ignore the mandate regardless of the consequences to themselves others or to society. The 10th Amendment gives states all powers not specifically given to the federal government. According to The Montana Post (April 2020), a one hundred fifteen-year-old Supreme Court precedent makes it clear that the government can compel or restrict acts to prevent the spread of disease. Newsweek columnist Robert J. Samuelson recently wrote: “We face a choice between a society where people accept modest sacrifices for a common good or a more contentious society where groups selfishly protect their own benefits.” (Quoted in the Santa Clara University Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, V. 5, N. 1 Spring 1992 article, “The Common Good”).
Governor Bullock’s mandate is a moral compass. Complying with the mandate is a moral act! The highly contagious virus and unknowing transmission makes anyone a potential sickness causing and deadly vector. No one has the right to contribute to unnecessary sickness and death of others and unnecessary job and economic loss of Montanans. Morality cannot be legislated! It must be grounded on a core value that we are each other’s keepers! Another core value is that if it is to be, it’s up to me! Only we, acting individually and collectively, can gain control of the pandemic! Individually and collectively we need to embrace the long-standing Montana value that neighbors help neighbors! We help neighbors by staying heathy ourselves and unintentionally infecting others!
Science provides the foundation for controlling the virus. Many don’t accept the role of science in our society. However, science discovers the facts and principles that explain the nature of our world and how it works. What we currently know as facts and principles change as scientific investigations create new or updated facts and principles. The current CDC Guidelines represent our current scientific understanding of (1) how Covid-19 is transmitted, (2) how it attacks the body, (3) how the body responds, how to avoid catching it, and (5) how to mitigate its effects.
Properly designed, constructed, well-fitted and maintained masks protect everyone in two ways. The first is to protection from virus loads in your immediate environment by trapping the virus in the mask materials. The second is to protect others from exhaled virus loads. Note: The mask wearing controversy can’t be determined by claiming the mask mandate shouldn’t be enforced because cities and towns that enforce the mandate have higher positivity rates than those that don’t enforce the mandate. The degree of compliance with all of the CDC guidelines must be considered when assessing mask effectiveness!
The remedies are science based and fact based. There is skepticism about science! But science is the bedrock that reveals the facts and principles that gain control of the pandemic! Failure to implement the remedies are civic and moral failures. Each of us must implement the remedies. If we don’t, the future is grim! The window is fast closing! Only we, acting individually and collectively, can fix it. Remember: If it is to be, it’s up to me!
Please don the mantle of anti-Covid-19 leadership. Returning to normalcy requires you to accept the responsibility and accountability, regardless of party, that leads us out of this pandemic! Make and implement fact, science based, Ravalli County Public Health Policy! Time is short! Continue to urge compliance with the CDC guidelines! Accept and urge everyone to follow the “if is to be, it’s up to me” and “neighbors help neighbors” creeds!
Sharon says
Masks do very little if anything to prevent the virus.
Masks are unhealthy. People breathe out and then breathe back in what they exhaled.
Have you ever made it a point to observe mask behavior in businesses? People removing, adjusting and constantly touching them,
People put masks in their pockets, in their purses, on tables, in plastic or paper sacks, on dashboards, over mirrors or on car seats, on counters, in shopping carts, toss them on floors, in parking lots, on roadways and sidewalks……..
Trying to breathe while wearing masks is a real treat. While some feel that it’s merely “a mild inconvenience” others experience it as a task that is extremely difficult.
I wonder how often people really wash them. I bet not as often as you think.
Cloth masks are not the answer..
Mike Lesner says
I wonder if Allen’s hair was on fire while he was plagiarizing someone else’s work as his own. i.e., literary theft.
Allen Gates says
You are wrong! No plagiarism! Get your facts straight! My two letters to the Board of Commissioners are original. Cite your source. You won’t be able to do so! Then apologize and do something worthwhile, like help to control the virus!
Jan Lechner says
Masks do very little to prevent covid, ask a nurse. Only a positive pressure full face scott set-up is effective. Unfortunately they are way too expensive for the common citizen. Follow the stats, when tons of people wear masks, tons of people get covid. Masks are super spreaders !
Bill LaCroix says
That’s of course a lie. You know that, right?
Allen Gates says
You are wrong! Properly designed, constructed, and properly fitted and worn masks work. Do your science based homework by experts.
Allen Gates says
Here are August 2019 CDC mask guidelines for your information.
Note: A recent development not yet in guidelines is a finding the masks protect you as well as others.