By Jim Crews, Stevensville
Moving Stevensville Forward seems to think there is some sort of Secret Society in Stevensville. If there is, I think a woman named Sue is probably the ring leader. The idea of a Secret Society (aka The Comancheros) in Stevensville might have merit. You see, the Dewey supporters seem to have the belief that we Citizens of Stevensville are plotting and planning some sort of coup or have a plan to install a Manchurian Candidate or something along those lines. Far be it for me to delve into the minds of those folks. I really have no ambition to study their minds or beliefs. They do believe that some folks have had it in for Dewey since day one. All you have to do is go read their propaganda to see who is espousing these things. Frankly, I really do not care to spend that much of my time following their complaints. They seem to simply not understand the basis of the complaints against Dewey. You know, basic things like constitutional rights violations, discrimination, lying to the public, deception and cons. It amazes me these folks can get through the day without for even one second realizing what has transpired in Stevensville. Some say the Judge’s opinion is just that… no. It’s a ruling. Some say, well, he made a few mistakes, forgive and forget… No… because he only recently recognized that what he did was wrong and is now claiming it was a mistake. If he had done that in the beginning, I think some folks would have chewed on their lip and said, OK. But no more. Instead of correcting the problem he hid it. Instead of making sure it would not happen again, he did not promulgate procedure or policy change to prevent it. Fact is, he did not follow the existing policy that would have prevented the problem. Instead of thinking he holds the power, recognize that it is the council that holds the power. Stop being a power-hungry tyrant. Shoot, the council with the exception of the Special Ones, cannot even go to town hall and get what they need to do their jobs. Fact is, Dewey has tried to hamstring the council and tried to negate their authority. By the way, where are the council computers, phones, work stations so that they can do their jobs? There are so many other things this errant politician has done. He refused to appoint certain people to boards because they did not meet his personal attributes. He does not enforce town policy, or even council rules unless they suit his needs. Why are the Comancheros so afraid that if Dewey is recalled, Bob will be the temp mayor? What are they afraid he will uncover when town hall is reopened and council can go back to being what it should be? You know, Dewey still has the COPP complaint to deal with and the ethics complaint that is waiting until the election is over and who paid for all his attorney fees? All I want in a mayor is someone who will follow the state and local laws and policies of the town. I tell you this, I am going to write some town ordinances and policies to stop a mayor from doing these things ever again. If anyone needs a code of conduct, it’s this mayor. By the time most read this, it will probably mostly be over. Tuesday, 11-3-2020, we will either see a recalled mayor who should immediately resign, but he will not. He will drag the torture out for the two full weeks to certify the election before being forced to leave office, or we will see a group of citizens prevail with the idea that it is OK to let elected officials break the law, violate citizens’ rights, which will fuel this tyrant’s ego to no end. Let us hope that it does not come to the latter because of the potential for retaliation against some of the citizenry and certain members of the staff. |
Jim Crews says
Miss Comancheros, anyone can write town ordinances and resolutions. The trick is knowing how to get them approved.
Sue Devlin says
I’m curious as to how “I’m telling you this, I am going to write some town ordinances and policies to stop a mayor from doing these things ever again”
You got beaten in your bid for Mayor
You got beaten in your bid for becoming a state legislator
Don’t know you to tell you this, Jim, but you don’t have the authority or power to change anything except yourself
Mike Miller says
Your petty statements have nothing do with Dewey being charged with crimes by a Judge.
Your questions should be: being charged with such crimes, why is Dewey not suspended from office? Better yet, why was he not charged, arrested, booked and bonded, like Joe Citizen is? And of course, the cherry on top: as the cops like to say when we utilize our “Rights”: if Dewey’s done nothing wrong, he has nothing to hide, so why is so concerned about and trying to stop this recall that is legally be allowed to go forward?
Let’s not forget the additional FACTS that Dewey has suppressed our Right to Free Speech more than once, a clear violation of our First Amendment Right to Redress Grievance and Freedom to Assemble.
Sharon Gee says
Do you know how many people were at the last town meeting? Four (one of the four left in the middle of the meeting).
Do you know how many people were at the meeting before that? One.
Do you know how many people took advantage of public comment times during the last two meetings? Zero.
In spite of the fact that citizens can call in during the meeting.
In spite of the fact that citizens can send messages during the meeting not one single person spoke up.
Strange how people say they’re not given the opportunity to speak when the truth is nobody’s taking advantage of the opportunities that are offered.
Quit blaming the Mayor for your failures.
Mike Miller says
Gee, your added petty statements also have nothing to do Dewey being charged with crimes by a Judge.
Past that, it doesn’t matter how many Citizens do or don’t show up, it’s their Right to exercise as they choose (that’s how Rights work). But when the Dewey (representing the government) moves to forbid those rights, and compounds that restriction by noting ‘call-in comments’ in the town ‘minutes’, that is, again, violating our 1st Amendment Right.
The only person being blamed for Dewey’s failures is him. Whether anyone shows up for a meeting or not is not his fault. When he breaks law, it’s his fault. Not mine, not yours. Not Crews’… solely Dewey. yet his fan base ignores the facts and personally attack the people advocating for Justice.
Attacking people calling for the right thing is immature, ignorant, and selfish, yet here you and your are.
Sue Devlin says
No Mike Miller. My comments have to do with a blustering buffoon who somehow thinks he has power to write town ordinances and policies…when he’s lost every political “race” he has entered.
Mike Miller says
Thanks for confirming you’re refusing to comment about the illegal actions of Dewey and the call for Justice because of that, but rather to personally attack those calling for Justice.
Sue Devlin says
Again how do your comments answer my questions to crews?
Mike Miller says
Crews is a grown man, doesn’t need me to answer for him, and I’m confident in his ability to answer whatever/however he chooses to.
I’m just a Citizen observing that Mayor Dewey has been charged with a crime with substantial evidence, by a Judge no less, and certain people wish to disregard that crime, and counter personally against people by making immature comments against those calling for Justice. That certainly is not the way I’d expect, mature, intelligent, educated, and tolerant people to act.
Your negative name calling actions, and those like you, show plainly you have no care for Justice and Law, but rather, a strong disdain against Law, Order, and our Constitution and judicial system. If Dewey has done nothing wrong, as he, you, and others vehemently claim, why are you all so worried about this trial and making personal negative comments against people who are merely supporting our legal justice system?