Ravalli County Public Health
July 20, 2020
The Montana COVID-19 website has reported 11 new cases for Ravalli County over the weekend. Public Health would like to clarify that these 11 cases were already a part of the active cases in the community.
- These are not new cases of COVID-19. The state is just updating records to reflect what tests have been processed.
- These cases have already been reported to the community via Public Health daily press releases.
- These cases have already been processed by Public Health nurses.
Due to the daily demands on the state, the flow of information can often take longer to reflect for Ravalli County on the state’s COVID-19 website. Public Health disseminates this information to the community as soon as it is received locally.
- Public Health tracks these individual cases closely for the county and is informed directly by doctors about test results.
- Our priority is informing the Ravalli County community as soon as the information is available.
- Montana DPHHS has the challenge of recording and reporting for the entire state.
- Montana COVID-19 map can be found here: https://dphhs.mt.gov/publichealth/cdepi/diseases/coronavirusmt/demographics
If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please call: (406) 375-6672.