By John & Dee Gibney, Hamilton
People can take almost any fact and twist it as many do like Fahnestock-Thomas. She conveniently overlooks the many dishonest things about Obama. She alludes to the fact Obama never told lies, and just in his book alone he told over 50 proven lies. If you look into Obamacare, there were many lies in it. The have documented over 1,375 lies Obama told in his presidency, including lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, and hypocrisy to name a few. PS Fahnestock, just so you know, Obama is not black he is a mulatto. She over looked also, as reported by Politico, that Obama had a short fuse, yelled, and swore at people. He himself was a racist, and in his own book said he did not want to integrate with his white side. So before spouting about how wonderful Obama was she needs to look at some real facts and why she would trust a president who did many of these things is beyond me.
Mr. Landry on the other hand likes to be very wordy about nothing. To start, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine quoted as saying 31,000 scientist did not believe in Global Warming. S.F. Singer and Astrophysicist, has shown inaccuracies in climate data, attempts to model climate on a computers, solar variability, effects on clouds, ocean currants, sea levels, human impact, has show global warming as depicted in the media has no scientific basis.
All I see is Trump haters, and those believing global warming as truth, are not willing to look at real facts on both sides. They want to believe their own lies lies told to them by others and are afraid to find the real truth behind anything. PS if you do not believe in the New World Order, you have not been listening, as there is much evidence that it is true. Have you not heard of the Builderberg Group and their secret meetings, if not I suggest you do.
Get your head out of the Sand and other places, open your mind to the truth in life and stop believing every stupid thing told you by the lying media and lying democrats.