Pantry Partners Food Bank would like to thank the residents of Stevensville, Victor and Florence communities that contributed so generously to the Mother’s Day Postal Food Drive.
This year, Stevensville USPS carriers collected 1813 pounds for Pantry Partners’ clients. In addition, a Boy Scout at Lone Rock led a drive that collected 489 pounds. This young man and his troop helped sort the Stevensville donation and loaded the trucks to move the goods to the Pantry. Thank you to these scouts!
The Florence USPS carriers collected 507 pounds – a huge contribution to the Pantry. The Victor USPS carriers collected 253 pounds – another large contribution to the Pantry’s cupboards.
We send a heartfelt thank you to the postal carriers who gave so freely of their time and effort to make this a very successful food drive!
Karen Sanchez
Pantry Partners Food Bank