Michael Howell and the Bitterroot Star have done it again. Last week’s editorial expose about the backroom deal where ‘our’ present County Commissioners gave away $675,000 taxpayer money to their developer buddies reads like an organized crime novel. Would that it was an historic novel set in Chicago, but it’s a true story about present day Ravalli County political crimes. Thank you Bitterroot Star!
I tend to be quite skeptical about our County Commissioners but apparently not skeptical enough. I had not put the pieces together. But Michael Howell did. I can not believe the crass unethical behavior this Commission repeatedly demonstrates. Since we taxpayers were not privy to the secret wheeling and dealing by ‘our’ Commissioners we can not know if any of them individually dissented or brought any ethics or honesty to the table.
They need time behind bars and the Golden Rule taken to them. Do unto them what they have done to others: fire them, keep them in the dark, feed them BS and deny them medical care. Then impoverish them.
And that is with all the respect due them.
Larry Campbell