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Volume XXIV, Number 38

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Metcalf and Guthrie honored

By Michael Howell

Two remarkable Montanans, one from Stevensville and one from Choteau, were recently honored at a ceremony held in the rotunda of the state capitol. On Thursday, April 16, Senator Lee Metcalf, heralded for his commitment to sound resource management, and A.B. “Bud” Guthrie, journalist and Pulitzer Prize winning novelist, were inducted into the Gallery of Outstanding Montanans. More...

Lee Metcalf and A.B. Guthrie, Jr. were inducted into the Gallery of Outstanding Montanans at a ceremony in the state capital last week that was attended by many Stevensville residents, including students from a Stevensville High School AP History class. Stevensville publisher/journalist Dale Burk and Governor Brian Schweitzer were among the speakers. Another former resident of what is now Stevensville, Father Anthony Ravalli, SJ, for whom Ravalli County is named, was inducted into the Gallery of Outstanding Montanans in 2005.

Impact fees being considered for Corvallis School District

By Michael Howell

The Ravalli County Impact Fee Advisory Committee has scheduled a public meeting on Thursday, April 23 at 7 p.m. at the Corvallis High School gymnasium. The public will have an opportunity to comment on a proposal by the Corvallis School District to assess a $4,000 capital impact fee on each new home built in the district. The fees assessed will be used to defray the increased capital costs to the Corvallis School District generated by the population increase from new residential development. Information gathered at this public meeting will be considered by the advisory committee and included with the committee’s recommendation to the County Commissioners regarding a decision whether to establish an impact fee for the Corvallis School District. More...

St. Mary’s Mission open for tours

Historic St. Mary’s, Inc., is a non-profit organization, formed in 1988. The goal is to preserve, restore, maintain and promote the Mission Complex that was founded in 1841 by Jesuit priests under the leadership of Father Pierre Jean De Smet. Stevensville and the State of Montana were formed from these early beginnings. More...

Director of the St. Mary's Mission Colleen Meyer is pictured here in period costume in the Native American Museum section of the Mission complex. The Mission is now open to visitors for the 2009 season.

Fire at wildlife refuge possibly arson

By Michael Howell

On Monday, April 13, approximately 160 acres of grass and cattails burned on the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge north of Stevensville. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined, but Refuge officials suspect that it was human caused since there was no lightning in the area that day. An investigation of the incident is underway. More...

Some burns planned on Forest land

Residents of the valley may soon see smoke from some planned burns on the Bitterroot National Forest. More...

Tax Day protest draws a crowd

By Michael Howell

About 500 Bitterrooters turned out at the corner of First and Main Streets in Hamilton last Wednesday, April 15, as part of a nationwide Tax Day “Tea Party” Protest. The noon-time protest in Hamilton was followed by a similar demonstration in Stevensville later in the day. More...

Protestors gather on the corner of First and Main in Hamilton as part of a national effort to show their opposition to the government's irresponsible fiscal policies. Michael Howell photo.

Ravalli County to revise its subdivision regulations

The Ravalli County Planning Department is moving forward to update its subdivision regulations. More...


Hamilton Arbor Day celebration

The 2009 City of Hamilton Arbor Day Celebration will be held on Saturday, April 25 at 1 p.m. in Legion Park located across from City Hall at 223 S. Second Street. Mayor Jerry Steele will announce the poster contest winners and present them with their prizes. All participants will help in the planting of trees in Legion Park. Everyone is welcome to join in the festivities of the day. Prior to the activities at Legion Park there will be a Weed Pull/Clean Up at River Park from 9 a.m. to 12 noon there will be a Weed Pull/Clean Up at River Park.

Stevensville Cleanup Day

To celebrate Earth Day and to demonstrate their civic pride, citizens of Stevensville will hold their annual Cleanup Day Saturday, April 25. Volunteers will gather at 9 a.m. at the Stevensville Main Street Association office, 102 Main Street, to be assigned to various work crews. Duties will include gardening, litter pickup, painting benches and tables and maintenance of drip irrigation systems. Volunteers will be provided with a lunch at noon. Lunch will be held at Stevensville Hardware, 323 Main Street, and will be sponsored by Stevensville Hardware, the Bitterroot Star, Historic Stevensville Hotel, Stevensville Main Street Association and Stevensville Civic Club. Water will be provided by the Bitterroot Valley Living Center. In addition to the Spring Cleanup Day on April 25, the Town of Stevensville will be picking up yard debris the week of 4/20 to 4/24. If you have trimmings, prunings or other yard debris, leave in the alley or on the curb in front of your house. No plastic or garbage can be picked up. To volunteer or for more information, call Tracey Smith at 777-1102.


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