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Volume XXV, Number 10

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Kootenai Creek Fire Update

"Green Garden Goddess" by Cottage Garden Greenhouse took top honors as the First Place People's Choice winner in the 4th Annual Scarecrow Contest sponsored by the Stevensville Art & Sculpture Society. The entry also won an Artistic Merit Award. "Something to Crow About" by Bitteroot Valley Living Center took 2nd place, and "Good Knight Grandpa" by Discovery Care Center was 3rd. "Raggedy Ann Goes Goth" by New Beginnings of Hamilton also received an Artistic Merit Award. There were 35 entries in this year's contest. Jean Schurman photo.

Victor School Superintendent honored

By Michael Howell

Victor School District Superintendent Orville Getz was named the Western Montana Regional Superintendent of the Year recently by the Montana Association of School Superintendents. The award was presented by Jim Baldwin, Chairman of the Montana Association of School Superintendents, at a ceremony at Victor School last week. More...

“To be honored by your peers is a very special thing,” said Alberton School Superintendent Jim Baldwin, Chairman of the Montana Association of School Superintendents, as he handed the Western Montana Regional Superintendent of the Year award to Orville Getz, Superintendent of the Victor School District. Michael Howell photo.

Bloom receives TU Distinguished Service Award

By Michael Howell

Dr. Marshall Bloom, Associate Director at Rocky Mountain Lab in Hamilton, was presented with the Distinguished Service Award on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the National Trout Unlimited organization at the thirtieth annual Bitter Root Trout Unlimited banquet held in Hamilton on September 25. More...

Marshall Bloom (left) receives the Distinguished Service Award at the banquet, held Sept. 25 in Hamilton, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Trout Unlimited and the 30th year of the local chapter’s banquet. National Trout Unlimited Director of Volunteer Operations, Bryan Moore (right), was on hand to present the award to Bloom.

County settles floodplain lawsuit

By Michael Howell

The Ravalli County Commissioners decided on Monday to settle a federal lawsuit filed by former Bitterroot residents Garry and Elizabeth Shook and Plum Tree Properties, LLC. The Shooks filed the lawsuit against the county and former Floodplain Administrator Laura Hendrix in U.S. District Court in Missoula last December seeking at least a million dollars in lost profits related to a dispute over the need for and the issuance of an after the fact floodplain permit. More...

Stevi grants another variance

By Michael Howell

Although the Town of Stevensville claims to exercise some regulatory power over proposed subdivisions outside the town limits but within an “extra-territorial zone” that stretches about two miles south of town, they have so far refused to require proposed subdivisions within that zone to meet Town standards for infrastructure construction. Instead they have consistently been granting variances to developers in the extra-territorial zone, exempting them from such requirements as constructing curbs, gutters and sidewalks. More...


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