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Volume XXVI, Number 13

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Electro-shocking the Bitterroot

By Michael Howell

Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks biologists have been out gathering data on the number, kind, size, weight, and even a few DNA particulars of the fish that inhabit the Bitterroot River. It’s something of an annual event. They do it by fishing, but not with a hook. They use electrodes and nets. More...

With Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks fisheries biologist Chris Clancy handling the oars and Josh Rokosch and Leslie Nyce handling the nets, an electro-shocking survey of the fish along stretches of the Bitterroot River has been under way for a few weeks. Michael Howell photo.

Fish caught in the electro-shocking survey are analyzed and then returned to the river. Michael Howell photo.

County gets more accurate floodplain maps

By Michael Howell

One of the few sets of land use regulations left in Ravalli County, following the defeat of zoning and the repeal of the Growth Policy, is the county’s floodplain regulations. Implementation of those regulations is about to get easier and much more exact as the second phase of the new mapping process has been completed. More...

Commissioners consider foreclosure on Darby superfund site

By Michael Howell

The old, abandoned S&W Sawmill site north of Darby was declared a state Superfund clean-up site when it was discovered that the property was contaminated with PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), probably left over from the treatment of wood with creosote as a preservative. More...

CC-2: Should Montana rewrite its constitution?

By Ann E. Fleischli
Community News Service, UM School of Journalism

Montanans are being asked this fall if they want to rewrite their state’s constitution.

No other ballot issue has more potential to affect the lives of ordinary Montanans, but you would be hard pressed to know that. No one is organizing rallies or debates. There are no TV ads, billboards or yard signs. More...

Jean Bowman, a delegate and secretary to Montana’s 1972 constitutional convention, displays a photo of the 19 women who were part of the grassroots gathering to write what she considers to be the nation’s “best state constitution.” Jed Winer photo.

CI-105: Initiative seeks to ban real estate transfer taxes

By Jon Tweeten
Community News Service, UM School of Journalism

Montana has no tax on the sale or transfer of real estate. The backers of CI-105 hope to keep it that way.

Constitutional Initiative 105 would amend the Montana Constitution to prevent lawmakers from enacting real estate transfer taxes. Essentially sales taxes on property, such taxes in other states are collected whenever homes, apartments, condominiums, commercial property, farms or rangelands change ownership. More...


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