by Mark Van Loon, Hamilton
Seems like it’s always ‘election season’ but now we’re actually in an election year. The ads and messages are overwhelming. And pretty much everyone running for office makes sure to tell you that he or she will “fight” for you. A fight is a confrontation. A struggle. A winner and a loser. Politically, as a nation, we’re pretty much divided: Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. But the people we elect are accountable to, and responsible for, everyone in their district. Not just those of their party.
Here’s another five-letter word that I prefer – “solve,” as in solve the problem, or look for a solution. Or maybe a four-letter word – “work,” as in “I’ll work to fix the problem” or “I’ll do the necessary work to understand the situation” or “I’ll work to take care of you.” Work implies individual action in a collaborative effort to address an issue and find a solution. To “solve” a problem.
Elective office is supposed to be about public service; problem solving for ALL the people you represent. Not just a few. Maybe we should try electing people who will “work” to “solve” our problems?
Scott Richard says
Well said. Enough of extremes. FIX the 60-80 % of things that we all do agree on. Argue about the other crap on your own time. Do not vote in folks just because they spout your ideology, make sure that they DO THE WORK when they get there.
Clark P Lee says
Not electing criminals would be a nice start.