The Bitter Root Water Forum recently completed a sediment reduction project on a section of Three Mile Creek Road. Because of highly erosive soils in the drainage, Three Mile Creek is a significant contributor of sediment to the Bitterroot River. The goal of this project was to reduce the amount of fine sediment entering Three Mile Creek from the road surface and ditch at the road/creek crossing. BRWF will continue to monitor the effectiveness of this project in reducing sediment as we pursue other projects that will help keep our waters clean.
The Ravalli County Road and Bridge Department (RCR&BD) did an excellent job installing a culvert and applying crushed rock to armor the road surface. We want to express our appreciation to the RCR&BD for their efficient and professional work; they were a pleasure to work with. We also appreciate the cooperation and support of the Miller family of Brown Valley Ranch.
We want to thank the Ravalli County Resource Advisory Council for funding this project and the Ravalli County Commissioners for their support.
Dave Schultz, Board President
Bitter Root Water Forum