by Mark Snider, Hamilton According to an article reviewed by Psychology Today Staff, “groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of well-intentioned people makes irrational or non-optimal decisions spurred […]
Just a few questions
by Mike Mercer, Stevensville I have a few questions about these proposed charging stations for electric vehicles. What kind of security is provided, as being stuck for an extended period possibly […]
We can choose
by Mary Fahnestock-Thomas, Hamilton In a story by Dostoevsky called “The Grand Inquisitor,” Jesus comes back and is immediately arrested and imprisoned because the way he lives and what he teaches […]
We need a convention of states
by Dr. Marc Sabin, Corvallis ATF and possible illegal action by Feds on Bitterroots? F Troop fighting violent crime? Is congress or the federal departments supposed to write the laws? […]
Fruitful meeting with Forest Service
by Andy Roubik, Corvallis I attended the Bitterroot Forest Field Trip on June 24th to the Lost Horse Lake Como area to discuss the proposed Bitterroot Front Project. During the meeting, […]
Importance of Montana legislative races
by Sue Reber Orr, Missoula This is not a Presidential election year, it’s what’s called an off year election. An election when some people don’t pay attention, and might not even […]
Morality lacking
by Richard Hulse, Hamilton To all elected officials: Our country was founded on Biblical moral principles. John Adams recognized: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It […]
Response to Essen
by Dee Gibney, Hamilton I disagree with Mr. Essen’s opinion on Christian Nationalism. He tries to make a case that they are evil. But the very opposite is true. Christians that […]
Recognition for veterans health clinic (and more)
by Scott Weaver, Hamilton It was pleasing and encouraging to see the Star’s Aug. 17 recognition that Hamilton would be receiving a new veterans health clinic, bigger and better, expanding services […]
Biden’s minions?
by Ed Sperry, Col USAF (ret), Stevensville You have all heard about the fog of war, I think there is also a fog of politics. Of late I’ve been a wee […]
Labels and sound bites
by Mary Fahnestock-Thomas, Hamilton Labels and sound bites are pretty much the same thing because they simplify – often over-simplify – reality and stay in our minds when we don’t manage to […]
Christian Nationalism and book banning
by Marty Essen, Victor The unholy marriage between conservative Christianity and the Republican Party has produced a petulant child, called Christian Nationalism. Although this isn’t the first attempt at Christian […]
Support for Brown
by Patty Franklin, Hamilton The Montana Supreme Court is the most overturned court in the country. Let me repeat, OUR Montana Supreme Court is overturned by the US Supreme Court more […]
No wolves!
by Dee Gibney, Hamilton Once again I see we have those who think it is a good idea to have the Canadian Timber Wolves saved. Those wolves are among the largest […]
Fairness to GOP in redistricting
by Helen Sabin, Corvallis Ten years seems like a long time and in terms of politics, it is. To reflect the growth or loss of population, according to the Census, Montana […]
Donald Trump
by Bob Williams, Stevensville From what I’ve gathered, there’s a grand jury investigating the January 6, 2021 insurrection intentionally obstructing Congress. And, there’s a widening grand jury probe in Fulton County, […]
Black beast of fear
Will Walker, Hamilton When I see a man with a gun at a civil protest, I cannot be sure whether he wishes to inflict violence upon the people there, or […]
Re: ‘use the right bait’
by Von Dailey, Florence I wrote a letter to the editor that was printed August 10, 2022. It was titled , “Divided You Will Fall”. The LTE did not single any […]
What kind of a person
by Kathleen Rhodes, Stevensville So what kind of a person threatens to take food out of childrens’ mouths for a political agenda? What kind of a person would even want to […]
Rule of law
by Susan McCreary, Stevensville Of late I have been using the hermeneutic method of studying the Christian dispensations of the Bible. Dispensation: 1. Is the plan of God by which He […]