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Volume XXV, Number 54

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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Town considers well field agreement, looks for alternate locations

By Michael Howell

The Stevensville Town Council, at its August 9th meeting, reviewed a revised draft of a proposed well field agreement with developer of Twin Creeks subdivision, John Anderson, set a date for a public hearing to consider amending the subdivision conditions of approval to, among other things, reduce the size of the well field acreage donated to the town to about 4 acres, and set up a committee to look for alternative well field locations should the deal with Anderson, for whatever reason, fail to go through. More...

Mathew Bienusa, a ten-year-old home schooler from Victor, has taken a keen interest in tying flies. And Chuck Stranahan, owner of The Fly Shop in Hamilton and author of a weekly column on fishing in the Bitterroot Star, has given Mathew the run of his shop to produce some flies that will go up for auction at the annual Trout Unlimited Banquet to be held September 24 at Bitterroot River Inn in Hamilton. Michael Howell photo.

Pneumonia suspected in Skalkaho bighorn sheep

Skalkaho big horns showing signs of infection

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) announced last week that a pneumonia outbreak was suspected in another bighorn sheep population in west central Montana. More...

Arrest made in spate of burglaries

A 21-year-old Hamilton man, Jonathan C. Tignor, was arrested Tuesday, August 10 and charged with committing a spate of burglaries at Hamilton businesses between July 26 through August 2. During that time burglaries were committed at Dr. William Suda’s office, Hair With Style, Elaine’s Engraving, Sam’s Spade and A Beautiful You Salon. Many items were stolen and an undetermined amount of cash was taken. More...

Bitterroot College needs assessment completed

By Michael Howell

In January of 2010 the Bitterroot College Program contracted with Maas Companies to produce a needs assessment report to better understand the post-secondary educational needs of the residents of Ravalli County and the Bitterroot Valley in order to create a plan for future growth and development of the college. More...

RAC restoration project planned for upper Three Mile Creek

By Michael Howell

In a cooperative effort involving the Ravalli County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC), the US Forest Service and Ravalli County Road Department, a reconstruction project designed to reduce the amount of sediment running into upper Three Mile Creek at the “Four Corners” intersection has been funded and the road work is slated to begin next spring. More...


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