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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sports at a Glance

All stories by Jean Schurman

Ironman inline hockey champs crowned

Ironman inline hockey champs crowned

The 2009 Ironman Inline Hockey tournament was recently held during the weekend of June 13-14 at Trapper Creek Job Corps. Teams from throughout the Bitterroot Valley competed in the two day tournament. When the final whistle blew, the Bullfrogs from Stevensville claimed the title for the third consecutive year. They defeated the Sun Devils of Corvallis, 3-1, in a rematch of last year’s championship game. Over 36 players participated in the Ironman with ages ranging from 17 to 53. The major concept of the Ironman is limited line changes, so each team only has one extra player to switch out. Each team played five games on Saturday for seeding.

2009 Ironman Inline Champions: (L-R) Jeff Vogel, Brandon Ridenour, Lucas Stewart, Justin Aspell, Kyle Ridenour and Lisa Hill celebrate their third consecutive Ironman championship.

Sunday was a single elimination playoff. After going through the tournament undefeated the Bullfrogs from Stevensville defeated the Sun Devils from Corvallis, 3-1. Top points scorers were Kyle Ridenour (Stevensville, Bull Frogs) from with 26 points, Nicholas Popravsky (Corvallis, Sun Devils) 16 and Justin Aspell (Stevensville, Bull Frogs) with 15 points".

Here are the top points leaders from this year's tournament. Matt McClintock, Trapper 1, 2 goals; Randal Miller, Trapper 1, 2 goals; Marcus Berry, Jay's Team, 2 goals; Cassidy Zareck, Trapper 1, 3 goals; Matt Rowbotham, Trapper 1, 2 goals, 1 assist; Phil Corbett, Corvallis Sun Devils, 1goal, 2 assists; Lloyd Weaver, Darby, 2 goals, 2 assists; Jessie Riddle, Jays Team, 3 goals, 1 assist; Zach Coulson, Trapper 1, 5 goals, 1 assist; Garlen Halley, Jays team, 4 goals, 2 assists; Kent Weaver, Darby, 5 goals, 2 assists; Darrel Weaver, Darby, 5 goals, 3 assists; Stephen Voegel, Bull Frogs, 3 goals, 5 assists; Jay King, Jays Team, 4 goals, 4 assists; Kevin Bingham, Darby, 8 goals, 1 assist; Brandon Ridenour, Bull Frogs, 8 goals, 1 assist; Eric Burns, Jays Team, 7 goals, 2 assists; Lucas Stewart, Bull Frogs, 4 goals, 9 assists; Erik Corbett, Corvallis Sun Devils, 7 goals, 4 assists; Josiah Hughes, Darby, 8 goals, 4 assists; Donovan Vannote, Corvallis Sun Devils, 9 goals, 3 assists; Justin Aspell, Bull Frogs, 14 goals, 1 assists; Nicholas Popravsky, Corvallis Sun Devils, 9 goals, 7 assists; Kyle Ridenour, Bull Frogs, 15 goals, 11 assists. Top goalie was Lisa Hill from the Bull Frogs with an average of 1.4 goals given per game.

The 2009 Ironman Inline Hockey Tournament will be held at Trapper Creek Job Corps. Contact Phil Corbett at 821-2178 if interested in participating.

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