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Volume XXIV, Number 47

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Elk numbers up but cow/calf ratio plummets in Bitterroot

By Michael Howell

While the number of elk in the Bitterroot Valley is a little higher this year than last, a sudden drop in the ratio of cows to calves has Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials concerned. According to Regional Wildlife Manager Mike Thompson, about 6,000 elk were counted across the valley in this year’s aerial survey, but the ratio of calves to cows was significantly low, measuring only 14 calves to every 100 cows. When compared to the average of 30 calves to every 100 cows in years past, that spells trouble. More...

Native American dancers and drummers were a big hit at the recent Chief Victor Days celebration. Locals will have another opportunity to experience traditional Salish culture at Western Heritage Days in Stevensville this Saturday, June 27 at Historic St. Mary's Mission. In addition to dancing and drumming, there will be demonstrations of traditional life skills. Jean Schurman photo.

Stevi to study water, sewer rates

By Michael Howell

At its June 8 meeting the Stevensville Town Council agreed unanimously to amend its contract with HDR Engineering for a sewer rate study to include a water rate study as well.

The council had previously approved a study of the town’s sewer rates to see if the revenue from the system was meeting the cost of operation and maintenance and to what degree it could meet the match requirements for grants and loan payments for scheduled improvements. More...

County to sell land to Victor Fire Department

By Michael Howell

The Ravalli County Commissioners have scheduled a meeting at 10 a.m. this morning, Wednesday, June 24 to consider a Resolution of Intent to sell six county-owned lots to the Victor Fire Department. More...

Floodplain administrator resigns

By Michael Howell

Ravalli County Floodplain Administrator Laura Hendrix has resigned. Her resignation became effective last Friday. More...

County continues to pursue innovative mapping project

Thanks in large part to the efforts of Ravalli County Floodplain Administrator, Laura Hendrix, Ravalli County was recently awarded a $100,000 Renewable Resource Grant from the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to digitally map the topography of the central portion of the county – roughly from Victor to Grantsdale. More...

County Briefs

County abandons portion of Grouse Butte Lane

The County Commissioners agreed to abandon a portion of Grouse Butte Lane that passes through the Trapper Peak Ranch owned by Sandra Lloyd. The road will become a private roadway internal to the ranch. The owner agreed to build a public turnaround just east of the rock gate at the entrance to the ranch so vehicles can turn around without entering the ranch. Commissioner Carlotta Grandstaff noted that the road peters out after leaving the ranch and entering Forest Service land. More...


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