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Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Valley News at a Glance

Ravalli County Sheriff candidate: Steven Gammell

Ravalli County Sheriff candidate: Chris Hoffman

Ravalli County Clerk & Recorder: Jeannie Poe


Ravalli County Sheriff candidates

The race for Ravalli County Sheriff will be determined in the Primary Election on June 6, as only two candidates are running: incumbent Chris Hoffman will face challenger Steven Gammell.

Steven Gammell

Age: 57

Length of time in district: 6 years


I am married to Dee Gammell for 25-1/2 years, we have three children, five grandchildren. I have 30 years law enforcement experience with 17 years as supervisory and management experience in budgeting, personnel management, grant writing, crating policy and procedure and setting goals and objectives. I am currently president of the South Valley Pachyderm Club. I am a member of NRA and Montana Sheriff¹s Peace Officers Association.

Why are you running for this office?

I am very community service oriented. I have been continuously involved in local politics and civic clubs since moving here. I have been heavily encouraged to run for sheriff by many community members as well as the large majority of the sheriff's office deputies and employees. With my experience I firmly believe I have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to run the sheriff's office more efficiently and professionally than it has been.

Major issues facing the district?

1. Proper management of the budget and utilizing the allotted dollars in the most efficient manner.
2. Pro-active public relations programs to include regular meetings between sheriff and community. Quality assurance program to insure our mission is being met and provide a way for the public to be involved in (this) change.
3. Employee training - especially in the jail regarding inmate safety and inmate rights.

Anything else you wish to say?

Ravalli County has grown and is continuing to grow, beyond the skill level of the current sheriff. Because of this, the budget has been mismanaged, employee morale is at an all-time low, sheriff's office employees are leaving at an alarming rate, and the current sheriff continues to tell the public that all is well. The sheriff's deputies, having very real concerns for the public they serve, have collectively and enthusiastically endorsed me to be the next sheriff with a membership vote of over 75 percent. This endorsement is historical as it has never been done before. The public must ask themselves why, at this time in Ravalli County history, and why, with this sheriff, did the deputies step forward in a sweeping majority and endorse me, if everything is going as well as the current sheriff tries to make us believe. In any organization, the employees know better than anyone exactly how and what is going on.

The Ravalli County Deputies, members of the Laborers International Union Local 1686, recently endorsed Steve Gammell for Sheriff. After candidate interviews were held, 26 union members took a vote, by secret ballot, to endorse Gammell, citing his qualifications in leadership, supervisory and management experience and personnel management skills as the direction they want the Sheriff's Office to go. There were three options: reelect Sheriff Hoffman, elect candidate Gammell or no endorsement at all. The 75 percent majority went Gammell.

"We are confident that with Steve Gammell as our next sheriff, the public and community as a whole will enjoy improved communication with the Sheriff's Office. With your support and vote in favor of Steve Gammell, the Sheriff's Office will advance in departmental professionalism and organization," reads the press release.

Chris Hoffman

Age: 48

Length of time in district: Born here; lived here continuously since 1989


Sheriff Chris Hoffman is a native of the Bitterroot Valley, a graduate of Corvallis High School, and a U.S. Army veteran. He has been a peace officer since 1984. He served five years with the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department before returning to Ravalli County, where he has served for the last 16 years. Chris served as a sheriff's deputy and as both a detective and School Resource Officer with the Hamilton Police Department before being elected Ravalli County Sheriff in 2002. Chris and his wife, Ginny, have been married for 27 years and have three children.

Why are you running for this office?

As your sheriff for the past four years, my office has begun several positive programs, and laid the groundwork for still others. I feel that continuity in the Sheriff's Office is important, and I hope to stay on in this job to see that these programs continue. The community has made an investment in me during this first term, allowing me to develop the tools needed to lead the Sheriff's Office. I have a long-term investment in this community and wish to continue to lead this office in a positive direction in a second term.

Major issues facing the district?

Growth is the biggest issue facing Ravalli County. In terms of the Sheriff's Office, it is our job to find creative ways to meet the demands placed upon the office, even in the face of limited resources. The drug problem in Ravalli County continues to be one of our biggest challenges. The manufacture, sales, and use of methamphetamine, in particular, is an ongoing challenge, not just for law enforcement agencies but for the community at large. The Sheriff's Office is attacking this situation by partnering with the community as well as with many different agencies to protect our county's children and to educate the public.

Anything else you wish to say?

The Bitterroot Valley is at a critical point in its history. It is important for you, the voters, to entrust the duties of sheriff to someone who knows and understands our past and present. This is the only way to develop a positive vision for our future. I offer you proven commitment to the valley, not unproven promises. My loyalty is to the citizens of this community, and I look forward to continuing to serve as your sheriff.

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Ravalli County Clerk & Recorder

Jeannie Poe

Age: 55

Length of time in the District: 14 years


I am a wife of 22 years, a mother of four ambitious children, and grandmother of four. When our children were grown, we left a small Idaho community and moved to Ravalli County in 1993. We brought our trucking company with us, enlarged it, then incorporated, becoming a Montana employer. During that time, I became the CEO/President, managing trucking firm as well as maintaining a Real Estate License, combining my abilities into a unique skill-set.

I have also been involved for more than 10 years in coordinating the outreach programs of various communities, both in and out of Montana. Currently, I serve as the local coordinator for the Salvation Army of Ravalli County.

My previous community involvement advanced from being a mom and self employed, to a Co-Chairwoman for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation banquets, to involvement in legislative sessions at the State level, which required keeping abreast of local political issues. These activities were in addition to managing the trucking firm, and actively maintaining my realtor's licence. The cumulative experience resulting from being involved in Montana commerce, both as self employed and as an employer, combined with my real estate dealings, fostered an interest in our local county economy and ultimately, legislation. I believe this unique combination of experience has expressly prepared me for the position of Clerk & Recorder for Ravalli County.

Why are you running for this office?

I am running for this office because I believe I bring a unique package of ability, skills, and strengths. I feel I offer an awareness of issues facing our County, as well as a decisive, service oriented can-do attitude. I can provide a fresh and objective perspective incorporating strengths of tenacity, integrity and leadership, in a position I have been uniquely prepared for.

The recent growth in Ravalli County has overwhelmed our current Clerk & Recorder office. I have first-hand knowledge of the difficulties facing the department. I have several strategies to bring the pieces of the technology puzzle together to create a comprehensive, efficient, public information hub. It is imperative that we bring the Office of the Clerk & Recorder out from behind the curve, and on to being able to serve the public efficiently.

Our Clerk & Recorder Office maintains all public records such as birth and death certificates, all forms of property ownership documents, deeds, plat maps, etc. All these documents are of Public Record, open to the public. Many people are not aware that the Clerk and Recorder Office is also the administrative authority for our Elections Office. The Elections Office is responsible for all voter and voting records, voter registration, ballots, installation of updated voting equipment, setting and managing voting days, counting ballots, and maintaining all records of vital statistics regarding our precious voting rights.

I see a need for this critical process to function in a larger capacity, as a public information dissemination hub for our voters in addition to its current duties. I propose that this office become more publically proactive, creating a liaison model for our Elections Office. Our last non-Presidential election showed a voter turn out of a pathetic 32.8%. My vision for the Elections Office is to have the ability to supply ballot information on candidates to newspapers, radio, and television. This would help inform, and create a higher profile of information, and serve to energize our voters.

The Clerk and Recorder Office is a two component position that affects the three critical foundations of our U.S. citizenship. The Office contains and maintains the records of our lives and deaths, our properties and our votes.

Note: The June 6th Primary will decide who will be the next Clerk and Recorder.

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