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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Valley News at a Glance

Fawns named top middle school volunteer

Stevi Community Foundation awards grants

Stevi watering variance requests being accepted

Commissioners’ activities

Stevensville trustee position open

Fawns named top middle school volunteer

U.S. Senator Jon Tester honored Pamela Fawns of Corvallis for being named a top middle school volunteer in Montana.

Fawns raises money for 4-H and school projects by creating and selling floral arrangements. Through her floral arrangements, Fawns has raised money for a community meal program, school sports and musical equipment, and 4-H scholarships.

“Pamela is an inspiring example to all of us, and she’s among our brightest hopes for a better tomorrow," Tester said. “She is making a difference in the world, and her actions have a positive impact on the lives of others."

Fawns, 13, is a seventh grader at Valley Oaks Academy in Corvallis.  

In addition to the $1,000 cash award, Fawns received an engraved silver medallion and an all-expense-paid trip with her parents to Washington, D.C., for the recognition events.

The award was presented by the National Association of Secondary School Principals and Prudential Insurance.

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Stevi Community Foundation awards grants

The Stevensville Community Foundation has announced awards for its Spring Grant Cycle to seven recipient organizations out of ten applications recieved as well as the purpose for the awards:

• Fund For All, Stevensville High School, for the purchase of sports equipment, lessons, materials or fees for an extra-curricular class or a special event.

• Historic St Mary's Mission, Inc., to pay a local landscaping company for native plants to create a Salish Indian encampment program.

• Lone Rock Summer Recreation and Reading Program, to purchase physical education equipment and library books for 8-week summer program.

North Valley Public Library, to pay for books and instructional material for developing well-established Children's Story Time Program.

• Stevensville Clothes Closet, Inc., for the operating costs of trash disposal.

• Stevensville Main Street Association, for "Education of Agriculture and Bees" for upcoming NW HoneyFest fundraiser.

To date, the Stevensville Community Foundation has awarded over $175,000 in grants to organizations which are helping Stevensville to be a better place in which to live. These awards are in addition to those funds which have been raised to support the design and construction of the projected Community Center, as well as the property on which it will be located.

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Stevi watering variance requests being accepted

Town of Stevensville residents with automatic sprinkler systems may make written application for a Watering Variance Request. These requests are for customers who for some reason cannot water during regularly scheduled hours. The request must state the reason for the variance and the time it would be in effect. All variances must be approved by the Town’s Water and Sewer Supervisor.

Customers who have not applied for a Water Variance Request will get one warning before being ticketed under Municipal Code 15.12.110. Written application may be made at Town Hall, 206 Buck St. For more information call 777-5271, ext. 2.

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Commissioners’ activities

Compiled by Carlotta Grandstaff

Week of May 11, 2009


- Unanimously approved the use of a VISTA volunteer for one year beginning July 17, 2009 to assist Environmental Health Department update a source drinking water protection plan for the city of Hamilton. (The city’s drinking water source originates from the Skalkaho drainage). The volunteer will conduct community outreach and education in wellhead protection for this pilot program.

-Unanimously approved payment of $10,396 to Western Montana Mental Health conditioned upon written commitment from WMMH that the mental health services provided to county jail inmates will not increase from the present rate for the fiscal year 2010.


-Voted 3-0 to approve assignment of Hamilton airport hangar lease #309 to Cornerstone Investments. (Grandstaff and Rokosch on conference call)

-Voted 3-0 to approve Resolution 2388: budget transfer of $112.50 from the General Unprogrammed Costs line item to the litigation line item.

-Voted 3-0 to renew annual SNAP-ED grant for a part-time nutrition expert for Extension

-Voted 3-0 to approve final plat for Adams Acres subdivision

-Opened a single bid from Cowpoke ranch Supply for herbicide for the weed district, and voted 3-0 to turn the bid to weed district supervisor Kellieann Morris for review and recommendation.


-Voted 3-0 (Grandstaff, Rokosch and Iman) to award an herbicide bid for the county weed district to Cowpoke Ranch for $5,132.

-Voted 3-0 to accept WIC (Women, Infants and Children) voucher program for annual Farmer’s Market.

-Voted 3-0 to ask the county attorney’s office to review the county employee emergency response guideline.

-Voted 3-0 to submit the Justice Assistance Grant for $34,601 to the U.S. Department of Justice on behalf of the sheriff’s office. The grant funds would be allocated to replacement of nine computers in data entry, detention and detectives; four patrol radar guns; and salary for a part-time transcriptionist.

Week of May 18:


-Met with Dean Whitesitt regarding a possible Memorandum of Understanding for funding and maintenance of Riverside and Maplewood Cemeteries in Stevensville. Commissioner Jim Rokosch volunteered to research the issue; the board concurred.

-Approved 3-0 (Grandstaff, Rokosch and Driscoll) allocating $5,000 for a Community Development Block Grant proposal to study the possibility of a Tax Increment Finance District for the town of Stevensville.


-Voted 3-0 to send a letter of support for a VISTA volunteer on behalf of the Extension Service. (Not voting: Iman; Chilcott in Pendleton, Ore. for National Association of Counties meeting)

-Voted 4-0 to appoint Mark Luhman to fill an unexpired term on the Fair Commission.

-Voted 4-0 to accept $16,000 in lieu of parkland dedication for Moiese Meadows subdivision

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Stevensville trustee position open

Stevensville Public Schools currently has one vacant position on the Board of Trustees. The one-year position represents the K-12 system and prospective candidates must live in the Stevensville Elementary and High School district.

Interested candidates are to tum in a letter of interest to Superintendent Kent Kultgen no later than 4:00 pm May 29, 2009. All candidates will be interviewed by the Board of Trustees at the June 9, 2009 meeting. The Board will choose and appoint the successful candidate at that meeting.

For more information please contact: Superintendent Kent Kultgen, 777-5481 ext 136.

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