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Volume XXIV, Number 35

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Montana Junior Duck Stamp contest winner selected

By Michael Howell

The winner of the 2009 Montana Junior Dick Stamp design contest was selected last week by a panel of judges at the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge. This year’s Best of Show award went to Caitlin Sterchi, an 18-year-old student from Whitefish. The winning entry was a gouache (opaque water color) painting of a family of Canada Geese entitled “Family Outing.” More...

"Family Outing" by Caitlin Sterchi of Whitefish takes top honors in this year's Montana Junior Duck Stamp design contest.

New director at fairgrounds helm

By Michael Howell

On the job for a few weeks now, Deborah Rogala, is excited about her new duties as Ravalli County Fairgrounds Director. Although she is interested in developing new opportunities, her main aim at the present is to bring herself up to speed on the many and varied activities that are already being hosted at the Fairgrounds. The County Fair is a big deal, but the operation of the Fairgrounds goes way beyond that. More...

Deborah Rogola, director of the Ravalli County Fairgrounds.

Efforts to increase higher ed options in Bitterroot continue

By Michael Howell

Following the failure of the Bitterroot Valley Community College to gain legislative authorization, the efforts to create a new model for higher educational opportunities in the Bitterroot Valley continue. A meeting of “Bitterroot College Stakeholders” was held at the County Commissioners’ meeting room on March 24. The efforts are making slow progress but not without some tension between BVCC advocates and the university and state officials who helped defeat the four-year college proposal. More...

Stevi to seek water right change

By Michael Howell

The Stevensville Town Council decided last week to hire Missoula Water Rights Attorney Ross Miller to evaluate the current status of the Town’s water rights and prepare an application for a change in water rights. The move was precipitated by a few different factors. One is the need to expand the place of use beyond the original town site to include all current users, including the potential new users in the proposed Twin Creeks Subdivision. Another factor is the need to change the point of diversion from the existing infiltration gallery located up the Burnt Fork to the new well field being developed in town. More...

County responds in Robak case

By Michael Howell

Ravalli County Attorney George Corn recently responded to Tom and Charlotte Robak’s motion for a summary judgment in their case against the county over an alleged floodplain violation. More...

National Main Street rep to visit Stevensville

Todd Barman, a Program Officer with the National Main Street Center, and Julie Burk, Director of the Montana Main Street Program, will visit Stevensville on Thursday, April 2. More...


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