ClassifiedsBusiness OppsALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. Do you earn up to $800/day potential? Your own local candy route. 30 Machines and Candy all for $9,995. 1-888-776-3068. Farm & GardenFOR SALE - CORN-FED BEEF by the half or whole. No antibiotics or growth hormones, just good clean living. Call Russ, 961-3528, 360-1125. Rentals WantedBitterroot Property Management, Inc. is looking for residential rentals in the Stevi-Florence-Lolo area. We have been in business for over 20 years and look forward to talking to you. 549-9631. For RentOFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. 2000+ sq. ft. Stevensville Main St. location. First 3 months, $970, next 12 months, $1000. Includes utilities. Contact for more info, 777-3474. Need a place for a party? St. Maryıs Family Center now available. call 777-5574 for details. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath in Stevi. Unfurnished. $950/mo. + 1 mo. dep. 543-3360. 5TH STREET GUESTHOUSE - Guest rooms available daily & weekly. Brand new building. Cable TV. $125-$150 per week. No smoking or pets. Call Stevensville Hotel, 777-3087. PRIME OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. 2600 sq. ft. Highway frontage, with view, near Stevenville Wye. 777-1105. For SaleSAWMILLS from only $2,990.00-Convert your logs to valuable lumber with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.norwoodindustries.com Free information: 1-800-578-1363-Ext:300-N. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SYSTEMS - SAVE 50%+!!! Windmill/Solar Panel complete packages. Home/Farm/Ranch. GREEN-R-POWER manufacturer's direct liquidation. Order cancellations/overstock. Dealers welcome. BBB. 1-800-973-WATT. Sacrifice! FreeTO GIVEAWAY: Jack Russell mix. 1-1/2 years. Loyal. Landlord says ³no dogs.² 529-2401. Help WantedTRANSPORTATION: Looking for Northern tier coast to coast and Alaska Owner Operators to lease on to our refrigerated transport company. Please call Lance at 406-266-4210. Big Country Transport. AWESOME TRAVEL JOB!!! 18-23 guys/gals to travel USA with coed business group representing major Hip-Hop Rock & Roll, Fashion and Sport publications! Transportation furnished. 1-888-890-2250. ATTN: COMPUTER HELP WANTED. Earn $25-$75/hr PT/FT. Training provided. Independent income opportunity. 800-850-0572 or www.RDLglobal.com EASY MONEY! 8-23 sharp young adults, ready to travel, have fun, make money. Interested? Looking for a change of pace? 866-847-1559. InstructionTRUCK DRIVER TRAINING. Complete programs, refresher courses, rent equipment for CDL, Job Placement Assistance. Financial assistance for qualified students. SAGE Technical Services, Billings/Missoula, 1-800-545-4546. GET CRANE TRAINED! Crane/Heavy Equip. Training. National Certification Prep. Placement assistance. Financial assistance. 3,6,9,12 week programs. Nevada School of Construction. www.NV-SC.com 1-888-879-7040. Lost & FoundFOUND - magnetic bracelet. Metallic color. Call 777-3928. Real EstateHUD HOMES rom $199/mo! Foreclosures, VA, FSBO, etc. Stop renting and buy! 4% down, 30 years @ 8.5%. For local listings 800-618-0668, Ext.s888. ServicesQUICK CASH. No hassle Real Estate Loans. Up to 70% LTV. We specialize in ³Non-Bankable Deals² Hard money lending with a conscience. We also buy Private Notes & Mortgages. Creative Finance & Investments, LLC, 406-721-1444; 800-999-4809. Info@creative-finance.com MT Lic.#000203. 619 SW Higgins, Suite O, Missoula, MT 59803. LIVE-IN CAREGIVER.20 years experience. Certified. Live in or out of home. 363-8899. HORSINı AROUND.Complete pet and home care services for vacations or emergency. Critter, plants, mail and more. Short or long term, overnight or daily chores. Horses, cows, dogs, cats and more. Daily and weekly rates. Knowledgeable and responsible. References on request. Call Laurie Rapp, 777-2764. VehiclesSUBARUS. Best Price, Best Inventory. Montanaıs #1 Dealer. 1-800-800-6569. Volkswagens, call 1-800-800-6569. |
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