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Volume XXVI, Number 33

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Public shows up to oppose ‘Ditch Bill’

By Michael Howell

In one of the largest public turnouts for a legislative hearing this session, hundreds of people showed up at a hearing of the Senate Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Committee last Tuesday, March 8 to comment on House Bill 309, called the “Ditch Bill,” that aims to clarify the meaning of ditch in the state’s Stream Access Law. More...

County hears license request for auto wrecking yard

By Michael Howell

The County Commissioners held a public hearing last Friday, March 11, to take public comment on an application for a license to establish a motor vehicle wrecking facility on six acres of land located at 36 Angel Lane off of Old Corvallis Road. The property is owned by Chester and Marvel Angel but the license applicant is Clint Nickerson, who has plans to open an auto wrecking facility as well as a recycling facility for paper and cardboard on the property. More...

Watchmaker opens shop in Stevensville

By Michael Howell

Watchmaking has an interesting history going back to the 1500s, according to Michael Sharkey, owner of the newly-opened Watchmaker for the Stars in Stevensville, but wristwatches are a relatively modern phenomena. More...

Michael Sharkey, owner of Watchmaker to the Stars, looks forward to doing a brisk over-the-counter business at his new shop in Stevensville. But he also hopes to do a brisk business over the internet as well and is currently developing his website. Michael Howell photo.

Sharkey explained the innards of an old pocket watch. The key to the whole thing is the balance wheel that regulates the release of tension on the mainspring. A typical watch that only tells the time has about 75 separate parts. Sharkey’s also got some more modern watches, like the Blue Angel watch, that not only tells the time when tapped at the center, but can tell directions (the hands become the compass needles), the temperature, the humidity, and more and does all that at the touch of a finger on the face of the watch. Watches that serve several functions can have hundreds of parts. Michael Howell photo.

Montana wolf population rises, regional population declines

By Michael Howell

Although the overall population of gray wolves in the region has declined over the past year, the population in Montana has grown. More...

Hamilton Council reduces duties for Public Works Director

By Michael Howell

At its March 1 meeting, the Hamilton City Council went into executive session concerning an agenda item listed only as a “personnel issue.” Upon emerging from the closed session the Council approved a motion to “agree with the Mayor’s change of duties and conditions for the Public Works Director position.” More...


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