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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Opinion & Editorial

Guest Comment

Support for community college

by Deborah Rogala, Trustee-elect, Bitterroot Valley Community College, Darby

On Thursday, November 20, 2008 in the UC Ballroom, on the UM Campus, from 9 a.m. to noon, the Montana Board of Regents will make their recommendation as to whether they think the Bitterroot Valley Community College should be formed. You can show your support for this grassroots effort by attending the meeting or emailing your thoughts to the Regents. Remember, 'history is made by those who show up'.

Open letter to the Board of Regents:

I am writing to encourage each one of you to consider the historical effort that has been put forth by community members in the Bitterroot Valley in regards to establishing a local institution that will serve the vast educational needs of all who live here.

I am asking you to join me as an advocate for opportunity in the Bitterroot Valley by sending a strong message as to the importance of education in the state of Montana. We, Montana's citizens, are entrusting you with a great burden, that of ensuring that education in this state does it's utmost to 'serve all potential students'.

The 6 communities located in the Bitterroot Valley, representing some 40,000 residents have long awaited 'service' from the higher education realm. In these uncertain times, the wait for re-tooling of skills, the wait for basic literacy and the wait for opportunities afforded others makes your decision about providing local services even more critical.

The outcome of not providing affordable and accessible education to our citizenry who need it most, in the end could prove to be the undoing of our great state. Education is the key to productivity, to economic stability, to a rewarding personal and professional life, and education is the foundation on which community is built.

I urge you as a Regent of the Montana University System to be mindful of those of us who deserve equal educational opportunities and understand that the local initiative for establishing the Bitterroot Valley Community College deserves your wholehearted support.

Letters to the Editor

Time to test for toxins

Dear Editor,

Now that the election is over it is time to turn our attention to the chromosomal damage and epigenetic changes to the cells of vertebrate young, including human babies, as a result of exposure to hormone disrupting environmental toxins here in Montana.

We know that the eggs of a potential mother are formed before she is born. We know that damage to maternal eggs can leave a lasting legacy, that with widespread exposure can lead to possible extinction of entire species. We know that exposure to the mother and/or to the father prior to conception, to the mother prior to or during pregnancy, to her fetus during development or to a mother while providing breast milk to her young, directly affects not only that generation but several generations thereafter. We know that epigenetic damage to the male reproductive system during development in the womb as a result of hormone disruption has been shown to be passed from father to son to grandson to great grandson.

We must find exactly what is causing this insidious damage to the basic structure of life before it is too late. Hormone disrupting toxins are beginning to be recognized as the number one threat to the survival of humans. Therefore, such toxins are an obvious threat to the survival of most vertebrate life forms, as many, if not all vertebrate species are being similarly affected.  

There is no doubt that people have manufactured and spread the hormone disrupting toxins throughout the world. The only way to save ourselves and all other vertebrate species is by identifying those toxins responsible for the rampant hormone disruption and completely eliminating them from use. Write to Governor Schweitzer and ask for testing to begin immediately. Do it today.

Judy Hoy

Airport problematic

Dear Editor,

I have been immersed in the world of civilian and military aviation, ramjet and conventional jet powered cruise missiles and space craft since I was 14 years old. I was a Navy pilot during WWII, have held a commercial pilot ticket and an aircraft and engine mechanic ticket since the mid-1940's. I have been a teacher, field service representative and accident investigator. I have developed, organized and conducted spacecraft systems training programs for Apollo and STS (Shuttle) astronauts during the early years of the programs. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has always been the principle governmental agency that has been a very important factor during my career. Today I find myself at odds with the conduct of the FAA on many issues. The FAA is spending billions, that's billions of our tax dollars, improving selected General Aviation airports the FAA considers to be "Destination Airports" so these airports can service heavy general aviation aircraft generally called privately owned/corporate jets visiting these "magnet" landing sites.

There is one in the center of the Bitterroot Valley. In 1995 the FAA publicly stated the Administration will push to expand the Ravalli County Airport no matter what the "locals" want.

This airport belongs to us "locals," the taxpayers on Ravalli County. The safe operation and security of the airport is the responsibility of the County Commissioners who for a decade have delegated their responsibilities to a group of volunteers called the Airport Advisory Board who may, or may not, be qualified to adequately conduct their mission since the members of the Board are selected by the County Commissioners. You might say it's a situation of the blind leading the blind. Years ago the largest and most successful local petition drive in the State resulted in telling the Commissioners that airport expansion is not wanted. In spite of this outcry by the general public the Commissioners agreed with the FAA to the expansion of the County Airport as defined in the Airport Layout Plan developed by the engineering contractor retained by, and representing, the FAA.

Please believe me when I say you the general public have been deliberately prevented by the County Commission from any iota of participation in this agreement even though you each individually and your children will be paying for future generations. Even though we the taxpayers and our executives represented by the County Commission hold title to the airport the FAA being the sole source of major funding truly swings the big club.

I have been informed the cost of the agreed-to expansion has skyrocketed to approximately $22 million. You and I will be required to pay 10% of the total cost of expansion and then operate and maintain the expanded airport we never wanted in the first place. Because the County (destination) Airport is a General Aviation Airport it cannot be a money making operation and will never be capable of reimbursing the taxpayers, In fact the Commissioners can levy a 2 mill tariff on your tax bill and you have no say in the matter.

After all is said and done us taxpayers have no say on the idea of expansion, or the cost of expansion or the operation of the airport.

If you live near the airport you also lose your right to stop aircraft operations that may be objectionable, specifically noise and visual effects. The so-called zone of influence is determined by the county government and the FAA. The reason for this is the Commissioners and the FAA must protect the federal and county governments, airport managers, aircraft operators and airport businesses from legal actions. Recently the Homeland Security Agency rated private aircraft in all categories as a serious gap in national security. Our County Airport is a perfect example of this. There is no security of any kind on the ground or in the air and less than two miles to the west is one of a very few Biological Integrated Research Facilities in the entire United States which is situated directly under the un-controlled airport traffic pattern.

Citizens I have talked to over the years are incredulous when they realize what our elected officials have done. But you know what? The County Commission will not consider the transgressions they have performed against the welfare of the general public let alone vacate or reverse their very ill-advised actions.

Earl Pollard

Barbaric sport

Dear Editor,

I would like to take a moment to remind all the readers of the Bitterroot Star. If you are like me and enjoy using the National Forest and other backcountry areas during the colder months of the year be very aware! I share this time walking in the backcountry with my dog. However,  please be aware that  there are narcissistic, sociopath individuals out and about setting traps with little regard to you or your pets. It doesn’t bother them that theses wicked tools of suffering and indiscriminate maiming and killing are just waiting to cause needless suffering and slow, painful, cold death in most situation. The ones that survive are either maimed for life,  shot or stomped to death by the trapper. What a barbaric sport and only for their fur! It’s a pity that these very self-centered individuals hold little regard for you and your pets. In their world its all about them and what ever animals they can kill for profit. Targeted and non-targeted animals alike.

They often present several arguments such as. This helps control animal populations. Or it’s my right! Or your pet should be in your control at all times. This does not hold up under scrutiny. Why should I have my pet under control at all times while their vicious traps lay waiting under no ones control? Just think about it for yourself and you will see through these lame self serving excuses.  

Imagine finding your favorite pet trapped and either dead or in the process of  dying. I am sure you would be very upset. This tells me that trapping is morally wrong and unacceptable. It’s time to put an end to this horrific, barbaric sport!

Marc Cooke

Pantry Partners needs your help

Dear Editor,

This time of year is a critical time at Pantry Partners. We have seen our numbers explode in the last few months. In October we served 217 families (over 600 individuals) and the first half of this month we have served 140 families already. We cannot tell the community often enough how much we appreciate its generosity.

We appreciate the game given to us through the Hunt for Hungry program. We have received about 1,100 pounds from our hunters.

The Stevensville High School Student Council went around the community to collect food for us in their annual Trick or Treat event. The collected close to 1,000 pounds of non-perishable goods for us. Thanks so much to all those great kids!

Kathy Belke and the Pantry Partners Board

Clothes Closet still providing service

Dear Editor,

The Clothes Closet has provided donated clothing and small household goods free to the needy, underemployed and others from Stevensville and the Bitterroot Valley since 1992. In October, we had to vacate our building on Main St. The owner plans to demolish the dilapidated structure and construct an office building. We are currently negotiating with the Stevensville School District for the lease of a building and raising funds. The need for our services is very great and growing as the economic recession deepens. Consider these facts:

• Over 7000 pounds of clothing were distributed in 2007.

• Approximately 7000 persons were served in 2007.

• Donations were also made to the S.A.F.E. Program in Hamilton, the Women's Rehabilitation Program, the YMCA, homeless shelters, hospitals, and worldwide missions.

• 36% of Stevensville School District students qualify for free lunches. One third of single mothers live below the poverty line. 13.8% of Ravalli County residents were living beneath the federal government's poverty threshold in the 2000 Census.

We hope that clothing distributions may be resumed as soon as possible during these cold winter months. Donors have offered some pledges, but more money is needed to pay needed property lease fees, improvements and utilities. Grant requests are being submitted. A Silent Auction at 7PM with a wine and beer bar and the "Clothes Closet Blues" Benefit Concert at 7:30 will be held at the Stevensville Playhouse (Chantilly), 319 Main, on Sat. Nov. 22. The concert features nationally acclaimed blues Singer/songwriter Jenn Adams. "Second Sunday" Ken Johnson, Kerri and Tom Roat, and Dave Lockman will Sing a contemporary Christian set. The"Take Two" duo of Beth Schreiber and Cara Ayres will steal your heart with show tunes, country music, and love songs. Tickets are on sale at Valley Drug and the Bitterroot Star, adults $15.00, children under 12, $8.00. Your attendance and participation in our Silent Auction as either a donator or a bidder would be greatly appreciated. Call Hazel Smith, 777-1084 or 239-0878 if you have an item to donate.

Your tax-deductible contribution should be made out to "Stevensville Community Foundation"with "Clothes Closet" on the memo line, as SCF is serving as a pass-through on their 501c(3) 81-0490549 number at this time. Your check may be mailed to the Stevensville Community Foundation, PO Box 413, Stevensville, MT 59870. Your gift will be gratefully acknowledged.

Please continue to remember The Clothes Closet in your prayers, your participation, and your giving.

The Clothes Closet Steering Committee

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