Hamilton Senior Center activitiesMonday 11:45 lunch, cloggers at 1:30 p.m.; bingo on 1st & 3rd weeks, pinochle on 2nd week, 7 p.m. Tuesday - line dancing at 9:30 a.m., cloggers at 3 p.m. Wednesday 11:45 lunch, bridge at 1 p.m., cloggers at 5 p.m. Thursday - exercise at 9 a.m.; pinochle on 3rd week, 1 p.m. Friday - line dancing at 9:30 a.m., 11:45 lunch Saturday - pancake breakfast on 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 8-10 a.m. Sunday - bridge, 1 p.m.
Stevi Senior Center activitiesMon-Friday - Lunch, 11:30 a.m. Monday Bridge and Special Music, noon Monday & Saturday Pinochle, 7 p.m. Tuesday - Exercise class, 10-11 a.m. 2nd Tuesday - Quilters, 6:30 p.m. Every Other Wednesday - Fiddlers at Lunch 3rd Wednesday - Special Birthday Dinner, noon, with music. Blood pressures taken. Thursday - Exercise class, 10-11 a.m. 1st & 3rd Thursday American Legion Bingo, 7 p.m. For more information call the Center at 777-5681 04 777-5707.
Victor Senior Center activitiesSundays - AA meeting, 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday - Men's Coffee, 8:30-10 a.m. Monday-Friday - Lunch, 11:30 a.m. Includes main course, salad bar, beverage, dessert. Senior donation $3.25, under 60 years $5.75. (RSVP 642-3320) Tuesdays - Bingo, 7 p.m. Wednesdays - Pinochle, 7 p.m. Fridays - Ladies' Coffee, 10-11 a.m.
Al-AnonStevensville Al-Anon Group meets each Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the North Valley Public Library. Anyone who is affected by the compulsive drinking of a relative or friend is invited. For more information call 721-5818.
Gamblers AnonymousGamblers Anonymous meets Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at St. Francis Catholic Church, 411 S. 5th Street in Hamilton.
VFW meetingsVFW Post 1430 meets the first Monday of every month at 8 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in Hamilton.
Golden AgersThe Golden Age group meets every Friday from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at 727 S. 5th in Hamilton. If you are a senior citizen and are bored, looking for fun or just want something new to experience, attend and enjoy good food, live music, dancing and fellowship. Cost is $5. Snacks are potluck. Exercise classes are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. Blood pressure is checked every first Wednesday of the month. Also on the first Wednesday of every month a potluck is held at 12:30 p.m. followed by the business meeting. Card parties are held on the second Wednesday at 7 p.m. On the last Wednesday of the month a birthday party is held at 2 p.m.
Florence American LegionThe Florence American Legion Post 134 meets the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Florence Fire Hall. For further information contact Post Commander Claude Nichols at 273-3051.
Stevensville American LegionThe Stevensville American Legion Post 94 meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Post Home on Middle Burnt Fork Road. For more information contact Jerry Esmay, 777-5517.
Corvallis American LegionThe Corvallis American Legion Post 91 meets the third Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the Corvallis High School library. For further information contact Post Commander Alex Ivanoff at 961-8997 or Post Adjutant Roy Meyer, 961-4272.
Lilies of the Valley singing groupThe Lilies of the Valley Ladies Ensemble welcomes you to share your time, talent, wit and humor in the joy of singing together, short programs to share with others. No auditions to participate, only your love of the language of music and the desire to sing it in melody and harmony. Come and relax Thursday evenings, 7 to 9 p.m., at 211 N. 6th St., Hamilton. For more information call Thelma, 363- 1598.
WIC clinicsA WIC clinic is offered in Hamilton Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. at 205 Bedford St, Suite P, District Courthouse building in Hamilton. The Stevensville clinic is open on Wednesdays at the United Methodist Church, 216 College St. in Stevensville. The Victor clinic is open the second Monday of the month at the Victor Nazarene Church. The Darby clinic is open every other month, the third Monday of the month at the Darby Library. For more information call 375-6685.
Sapphire Quilt ClubThe Sapphire Quilt Club meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Stevensville Senior Center, 100 Mission Street. Teaching of short cuts and easy techniques begin at 6:30 p.m. Join this fun group of people to learn about quilting. For information, contact Linda Powell at 777-1070.
Grief Support GroupsWhen you grieve the death of a loved one, you sometimes hide it so others think youre over your sorrow and loss. Marcus Daly Hospice offers an opportunity to share grieving experiences and grow from them. For the men in our community dealing with the death of a loved one, Marcus Daly Hospice offers a mens breakfast support group. The Mens Bereavement Support Breakfast meets at 9 a.m. every second and fourth Friday of the month in the Marcus Daly Hospice dining room. Breakfast is provided for a $3 donation per person. Call 375-4752 to reserve your spot. For anyone in our community dealing with the loss of a loved one, Tuesday afternoons from 2-3:30 p.m. a bereavement support group meets in the Marcus Daly Hospice Center living room. All are welcome. For more information, call Cathy Palmer, LCPC, Bereavement Coordinator, at 375-4752.
NV Library story timeThe North Valley Public Library in Stevensville offers story times for children ages seven and under on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. No registration is required. For more information call the library at 777-5061.
Spanish conversation groupHabla Espanol? Do you travel? Do you work with Latinos? Do you just want to keep your mind sharp? If you are a beginner or just a bit rusty, join the Stevi Spanish Conversation Group at the North Valley Public Library Wednesdays from 6 to 7 pm to brush up on your Spanish language skills. This is not a class to learn to speak Spanish. It will be an informal, weekly gathering to practice speaking the Spanish language. The focus will be role playing for situations experienced during travel and everyday life. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.
SoroptimistsSoroptimist International of Hamilton meets the first, second and third Thursdays of each month at noon at BJs Restaurant. Soroptimist is a worldwide organization for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. All interested business women are encouraged to attend.
Rotary ClubThe Hamilton Rotary Club meets Mondays, 12 noon at BJ's Restaurant, 900 N. First Street, Hamilton. For information about Rotary, call 363-2960.
PFLAG ChapterFamilies and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) meets every fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at St. Pauls Episcopal Church, in the basement, 600 S. 3rd St., Hamilton. The building is handicap accessible from DeSmet Street through the back door of the church. For more information contact Terry Moran, 363-7656.
Science of Mind fellowshipScience of Mind fellowship gathers every Sunday at 10 a.m. at the Carriage House in Hamilton to watch a downloaded message from Seattle's Center For Spiritual Living. Join like-minded metaphysicians in spiritual community. For info call Barb Lucas, 375-9996.
Womens writing groupA Women's Writing Group for women who love to write and share their written work with other women meets Tuesdays from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Call Theresa Rivera at SAFE, 363-2793, for more information.
Legion bingoB-I-N-G-O! Join American Legion Fort Owen Post 94, in Stevensville, for free popcorn and an entertaining evening of bingo. The action starts at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center in Stevensville on the first and third Thursdays of the month. All prizes are cash and proceeds go to support American Legion youth activities.
Valley Veterans Service CenterFind out what VA benefits you may be qualified for at the Valley Veterans Service Center, open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to assist veterans and their dependents in filing claims with the VA. If you have questions or need help dealing with the VA, call Rob Embree at 363-9838 or stop by the office at 229 Fairgrounds Road, Suite 4, Hamilton.
Veteran-to-Veteran (V2V) meetingsThe V2V outreach group meets every Friday morning at 8 a.m. in the backroom at BJs Restaurant in Hamilton. These informal meetings are for all veterans from the Boxer Rebellion to the present. Many veterans have both unresolved and resolved issues from their experiences in the military that impact their lives today. At the meetings veterans can discuss whatever they want and the outreach group gives veterans an opportunity to get together to share information and talk about issues. For further information contact Dan Mayer (961-1577) from the Bitterroot Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America.
Vietnam Veterans of AmericaThe Bitterroot Chapter #938 of the Vietnam Veterans of America meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at 229 Fairgrounds Road (just east of Hamilton High School). Vietnam era veterans often need assistance with problems and issues and many have similar stories. The Bitterroot Chapter VVA is your organization to provide the opportunity to obtain and share information, to organize grass root activities, lend a helping hand, and offer assistance to all veterans in dealing with the Veterans Administration. Also, through the National VVA organization, the local chapter supplies input to state and federal government legislators on issues important to veterans. For more information contact Bill Decker at 369-2252.
MOPS groupThe Bitterroot MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group meets at Lone Rock Bible Church, around the corner from Lone Rock School, just off Eastside Hwy, down Three Mile Creek Road, between Stevensville and Florence. The group meets every other Tuesday, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Age-appropriate childcare including snacks, stories and activities, is available for children up through age five. For more information about Bitterroot MOPS, contact Jeannie Tischler at 777-0506.
Waldorf PlaygroupWaldorf Playgroup, Parent/Child Classes meet Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton, and Daly Mansion Children's Garden. Welcoming parents, expecting parents, and children birth to 6 years for creative play, songs, stories, baking, crafts and gardening in a homelike setting. For more information contact Kim at 369-0213 or Elissia at 381-1981. Waldorf Playgroup, Parent/Child Class is sponsored by the Bitterroot School. More information about the Bitterroot School and Waldorf education can be found at www.thebitterrootschool.org and HYPERLINK "http://www.whywaldorfworks.org" www.whywaldorfworks.org.
Veterans affairs clinicsAndrea Montee, Service Officer for the Montana Veterans Affairs Division in Missoula, will be available to veterans and their dependents that have questions or need to file a claim with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs on the second Tuesday of every month from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Stevensville Town Council Chambers and from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hamilton Job Service office. She will also be at the Job Service office every fourth Wednesday of the month from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information call 542-2501.
Trap ClubThe Hamilton Trap Club is open every Wednesday and Sunday from 12 noon until dusk unless people get done shooting trap before dusk. For more information contact Dick or Cheryl Wallis at 546-3856. The Trap Club is located at the Hamilton Airport.
Shamanic Journey CircleThe Blue Eagle Woman Shamanic Journey Circle meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at 504 Main St. (Active Care Family Chiropractic building) in Stevensville. The event is free and open to anyone who would like to participate in shamanic drumming and healing work. For more information, contact Marge Hulburt at 241-7260.
Recovery support groupHigh Noon Meeting: A newly formed, peer-directed support group meets weekly on Thursdays from noon to 1 p.m. at the Bison Internet Café, 164 S. 3rd in Hamilton. The Café is not open during meeting times. People in recovery from mental illness and/or substance abuse or addiction can find support and mentor help from group participants. All interested persons are invited to attend. Participants demonstrate hope and strength to each other, share resources and celebrate successes. The cafés open hours are Wednesday through Saturday, from 3 to 9 p.m. For more information, call during those hours or leave a message at 363-2222.
Bitterroot ToastmastersBitterroot Toastmasters Club meets Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Perkins Restaurant in Hamilton with optional no host supper before or after. Meetings are designed to build confidence and skills in communication and leadership. Guests are welcome.
Child fitness programIt's no secret that an increasing number of todays kids are overweight or obese. These kids are at a higher risk for weight-related health conditions that impair quality of life. South Valley Child and Family Center is meeting that challenge head-on with the Fitterroot Program for Kids. The Fitterroot Team works closely with young people and their families during a structured 10-week program. Goals include (1) learning how to make healthier food choices, (2) addressing challenges to adopting a healthier lifestyle, (3) increasing physical activity, and (4) enhancing self-image. A new session is starting in early October. Enrollment is limited. For more information, or to receive an enrollment packet, call Mimi at 363-3450 (leave a message).
Evening water aerobicsEvening Water Aerobics are held at the Bitterroot Aquatic Center Mondays through Thursdays. Monday and Wednesday water aerobics are held from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Water Aerobics Instructors will teach a combination of shallow and deep water moves to help strengthen your cardiovascular system and core using a mixture of interval and circuit training. Call 375-8200 or check out the website at www.bitterrootaquaticcenter.com
Toddler story timeIts never too early to introduce your baby or toddler to the wonderful world of books and reading. Together you will discover the joy of songs, finger plays, simple books and bouncing rhymes. The toddler story time for babies through age 2 meets every Friday at 10:30 a.m. in the downstairs meeting room of the Bitterroot Public Library. Toddler story time lasts approximately 45 minutes. For more information, call 363-1670.
Safety seat fitting stationMildenberger Motors will be teaching families how to safely transport their children on the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The dealership will serve as the site of a monthly child safety seat checkup event to help ensure that children are using car seats, booster seats and seat belts the right way on every ride. At these events, nationally certified child passenger safety technicians will teach families how to transport children correctly. The events are open to the public. Appointments are encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome. To make an appointment call Lonie Hutchison at 546-9640 or 258-3880.
American Sign Language GroupAn American Sign Language Bible discussion group meets Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 8 p.m. and Sunday mornings from 10 to 11:45 a.m. at the Kingdom Hall, 1115 S. Reserve St., Missoula. Discussion focuses on how to use the Bible in your life. For more information contact Dianr Gacek, 777-0747, aslgal@rocketmail.com.
Community meal programThe South Valley Child and Family Center is serving free meals to the communitys families and those in need Monday through Friday from 6 to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday at 515 Madison in Hamilton. To volunteer or for further information call Faylee at 363=3450.
Sabre Soccer meetingsStevensville Sabre Soccer meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Main Street Association building in Stevensville. The general public and all interested parties are welcome to attend. For more information contact Brooke Flynn at 880-2903.
Darby food collectionThe Darby Bread Box is collecting canned milk, canned pumpkin, cranberrry sauce and stuffing during October and November for Holiday Boxes. Drop off locations are People's Market and the Bitterroot Credit Union in Darby. Any donations are appreciated.
Coat driveRSVP is sponsoring a winter coat, glove, and hat drive. Everything collected will go to organizations who help families in need. Bring good clean items to the RSVP office in Hamilton, at 310 Old Corvallis Road during the week of October 18-22 or to the North Valley Library on Saturday October 23, from 10 a.m. to noon. Dont let a child shiver through a Montana winter. All sizes are needed.
Wednesday, October 20
Preschool story timePreschoolers are invited to meet in the childrens area of the Bitterroot Public Library on Wednesday, October 20 to enjoy Underwater Adventures and hear books read by Jennifer Crawford. This story time begins at 10:30 a.m. and is designed for children 3-5 years of age. For more information, call 363-1670.
Thursday, October 21
Two Creeks School open houseInterested parents and students from public and home schools are invited to attend an open house to learn more about Two Creeks Community School on Thursday, October 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (no school for public school students). The day will focus on outdoor exploration, art activities, and teambuilding games. Registration and a small fee are required. If you have wanted to seek another alternative to your childs education this is your opportunity to visit Two Creeks Community School, located at 258 Roosevelt Lane in Hamilton. Two Creeks Community School offers a unique learning experience with a small, multi-age classroom environment for K-8 students. TCCS promotes learning through the exchange of knowledge involving all its members. Students spend quality time outdoors in every season, where they explore the natural environment through place-based learning explorations that include investigative walks, inquisitive hikes, and bike rides in the community. For more information contact Tara at 363-4740.
Friends of Library Membership TeaThe Friends of the North Valley Public Library invite you to a Membership Tea on Thursday, October 21, at 12 noon, in the Community Room of the library on Main St., Stevensville. Meet the dedicated volunteers and members of the library's Board of Trustees, enjoy delicious refreshments and discover ways to help your library, your community and yourself, while having a good time doing it. Youre invited to wear a hat, just for fun. Don't have one? Don't worry. There will be extra hats at the tea. Attending does not obligate you in any way, so come and enjoy the festivities. For further information, call Beverly at 777-2505.
Hospice volunteer trainingMarcus Daly Hospice began with dedicated volunteers interested in serving the needs of the terminally ill. For more than 25 years volunteers have assisted Marcus Daly Hospice in a variety of capacities such as patient support, small equipment delivery, bereavement support, and fundraising. New volunteers are always welcome and vital to the mission of Marcus Daly Hospice. Registration is now open for the October 21-23 Marcus Daly Hospice Volunteer Training class. Call Margaret Beattie, Volunteer Coordinator, at 375-4713 to register or for more information.
Red Cross blood drivesA Red Cross blood drive will be held Thursday, October 21 from 1 to 5 p.m. at Stevensville Feed & Farm, 3673 Eastside Highway. The blood mobile will be in the parking lot. For appointment call Dawn Winn, 777-5527.
Tea Party PatriotsThe Ravalli County Tea Party Patriots will meet Thursday, October 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton. Come and join the Ravalli County Tea Party Patriots, a group of individuals committed to adherence to the Constitution and united in accomplishing the goal of returning to fiscal responsibility and limited government at local, state and national levels through the exercise of political activism. For more information contact Jennine Jones, 369-1656, HYPERLINK "mailto:donandjennine@gmail.com" donandjennine@gmail.com
Back Country HorsemenBitterroot Back Country Horsemen host their monthly meeting on Thursday, October 21, at the Corvallis School Cafeteria on Eastside Highway in Corvallis. Potluck dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. and the general meeting starts at 7 p.m. The program speaker is Missy Day, from the Tahoma, Washington BCH chapter. She will present information on their annual John Wayne Pioneer Trail Ride for wagons and riders. Guests are welcome to attend, and for more information call Karen at 961-0101 or check the website at www.bchmt.org/bitterroot.
Trout UnlimitedTrout Unlimited will meet Thursday, October 21 at 7 p.m. at the Hamilton Elks Club. MFWP biologist Dave Schmetterling will give a presentation entitled "Rebirth of a River System: Fishery Effects of Milltown Dam Removal." Election of chapter officers will also be held at this meeting. And raffle tickets for the BRTU Commemorative Sweetgrass Bamboo Flyrod will be available. For information, call Bill Bean at 363-6158, Marshall Bloom at 363-3485, or Greg Chester HYPERLINK "mailto:gchester55@aol.com" gchester55@aol.com
Friday, October 22
South Valley Pachyderm ClubRepresentative Bob Lake (R), candidate for Montana Senate District 44, Ron Ehli (R), candidate for Montana House District 88, and Representative Gary MacLaren (R), candidate for House District 89, will be the guest speakers for the next meeting of the South Valley Pachyderm Club on Friday, October 22 at 12 noon. The candidates will be presenting their campaign positions as they face the upcoming General Election November 2nd. There will be opportunity for questions and discussion. The Club meets at BJ's Restaurant, 900 N. 1st street, Hamilton. The South Valley Pachyderm Club, which meets on the second and fourth Fridays of the month, is an officially recognized allied organization of the Republican Party. Members of the public are welcome. For more information visit HYPERLINK "http://www.ravcogop.com" www.ravcogop.com.
Mature drivers classA driver safety class will be held Friday, October 22 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Stevensville Senior Center, 100 Mission Street. Cost is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members. Completion of the four-hour class entitles you to a discount on your auto insurance. To register or for more information contact Betty Lowell at 777-5681 or Floyd Webb at 363-5322.
MSU prospective student programMontana State University will open its campus, classrooms and activities to potential students during MSU Friday, the university's campus visitation program, set for Friday, Oct. 22. MSU Friday is a free event open to all high school juniors and seniors and their families. Among the many MSU Friday activities scheduled are campus tours, sample classes taught by some of MSU's best professors, meetings with academic departments and a display of organizations and special services. There will also be presentations about special programs, scholarships and financing a college education. Panels for parents and students are scheduled. Students may register online for MSU Friday at HYPERLINK "http://www.montana.edu/admissions/msufridayreg.shtml" www.montana.edu/admissions/msufridayreg.shtml. For further information on MSU Friday, contact the MSU Office of Admissions at 1-888-MSU-CATS or (406) 994-2452.
Musical productionBitterroot Accidental Theater presents the off-Broadway hit musical A...My Name is Alice by Joan Micklin Silver and Julianne Boyd October 22-23, 29-30, Nov. 5-6 and 12-13 at 7:30 pm at 515 Madison in Hamilton. This musical celebrates the jewels and junk of womanhood and features Molly Hill, Mara Luther, Amber Lynch, Natalie Naidl and Carrie Storrow and is directed by Faylee Favara. Tickets are $10 at the door and every Friday night a portion of the proceeds is donated to SAFE. Seating is limited and some adult language.
Stevensville Playhouse productionPerennial musical favorite The Music Man! continues through October 24, with shows Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Stevensville Playhouse. Chicago con man Harold Hill (Paul Courteau) arrives in River City, Iowa, impersonating a band leader, preaching his solution to the trouble represented by a new pool table in town, while selling band instruments and uniforms, with plans to skip town as soon as the money is collected. The only person in town who uncovers his fraud is the piano teacher and librarian, Marian Paroo (Deb Goslin). Hill figures he'll handle her the way he's handled numerous others working in a little "canoodling" while he's at it. His scam, however, unfolds a bit unexpectedly. Hill's influence transforms the various and hilarious characters of River City, but the most striking transformation is to Hill himself. See this slice of 19-teens Iowa life, full of favorite tunes and dazzling dance numbers, along with a cast of 45, the famous barbershop quartet, and a brass band. The show is directed by David Anderson. Advance tickets are $10 or $12 at the door. Call 777-2722 for reservations. Stevensville Playhouse is located at 319 Main St. in downtown Stevensville. Fiesta en Jalisco and the Stevensville Hotel are offering special discounts for theatergoers.
Saturday, October 23
Birdwatching WalkA Beginning Bird Walk will be held Saturday, October 23 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. Are you a beginning birder? Or do you want to brush up on identification skills? Then this beginning birding field trip is just right for you! Learn basic skills for bird identification, including use of binoculars and field guides, key field marks, and much more. Binoculars available if needed. Families with children welcome. Minimal walking involved. Sponsored by Audubon and Lee Metcalf NWR. Meet at the Lee Metcalf NWR headquarters at 9 a.m. For more information, contact Pat Little, 493-7115, or Lynn Tennefoss, 544-6323.
Moon WalkThe Bitterroot National Forest invites you to join local ghosts for the last moonwalk presentation of the 2010 series - Ghost Moon. The ghosts will begin their tales at 7 p.m. on Saturday, October 23 at the Larry Creek Group Camp, Bass Creek Recreation Area, Bitterroot National Forest. They will haunt the audience (for about 1 hour) about their untimely deaths and the flames they witnessed in their lives! Participants may want to bring a lawn chair and flashlight. Also anticipate the weather and dress accordingly. Directions to Larry Creek Group Camp: From U.S. Highway 93, turn west onto Bass Creek Road (3.6 miles north of Stevensville light, 4.1 miles south of Florence light). Continue on Bass Creek Road for 2 miles until you come to an intersection with Charles Waters Campground on the left. Turn right onto Forest Road 1316 and follow the signs to the Larry Creek Group Camp. For more information: HYPERLINK "http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/bitterroot/recreation/moon_walk/moon_walk.shtml" http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/bitterroot/recreation/moon_walk/moon_walk.shtml or call Julie Schreck at 363-7100 for more information.
Square dance clubBoots n Calico Square Dance Club will hold a workshop and dance on Saturday, October 23 at the Hamilton Senior Center, 820 N. 4th. A plus workshop will start at 7 p.m. and be followed by a dance at 8 p.m. The dance level will be mainstream, with plus tips inserted about every third dance. Round dances will be provided between tips. The caller will be Barry Bartlette. Refreshments will be provided by the club and club members. Visitors are welcome. For more information call Laurie Dunbar at 961-4528 or Donna Hicks at 961-0111.
Dances of Universal PeaceDances of Universal Peace will be held Saturday, October 23 at 7:30 p.m. at First Christian Church, 328 Fairgrounds Road, Hamilton. Dances of Universal Peace are simple circle dances based on the worlds spiritual traditions that inspire harmony and community. Each dance taught each time, and children are welcome. Live music, refreshments. By donation. Call Star at 363-4026 for inquiries.
Sunday, October 24
Five Valley Accordion Assn.The Five Valley Accordion Association will hold its next jam/dance session on Sunday, October 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the "High Spirits" in Florence. Admission is $3.00 for members, $4.00 for non-members, and free for performing musicians. Live music is provided by accordions, guitars, banjos, bass and drums. Come enjoy the music, dancing and fun. Wear a Halloween costume for the costume contest. For more information calll Mike Jones at 642-9693.
Mammography Fund Pint NightBitterroot Brewery and Soroptimist are teaming up to host a Pint Night on Sunday, October 24 from 4 to 7 p.m. to support the Aid for Mammography fund. Enjoy your friends, the music and Bitterroot Brewery microbrews and root beer. Fifty cents for each pint will be donated back to the fund. There will also be a 50/50 raffle and silent auction. The auction features unique items such as, a beautiful Temple Fork Outfitters Pink Fly Rod, handcrafted Aspen Hot Glass jewelry and two Jacksonville Jaguars pink ball caps signed by quarterback #9 David Garrad and running back #32 Maurice Jones-Drew. In addition, during October purchase a brewery shirt and $5.00 will be donated to the fund. The Aid for Mammography Fund was started years ago by Soroptimist of Hamilton; it provides in-need Bitterroot Valley women mammograms and other procedures based on mammogram findings. The fund resides at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital and last year this fund supplied 114 women mammograms and five were diagnosed with breast cancer. Make a donation: Soroptimist of Hamilton, PO Box 1012, Hamilton MT 59840. All donations in form of a check need to be made out to: MDMH-Aid For Mammography. The total amount of the Oktoberfest Gone Pink donations will be matched by Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital to support the Aid For Mammography Fund.
Tuesday, October 26
Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service TrainingWestern MT Addiction Services is holding a Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service training on Tuesday, October 26 from 9 a.m. to noon at 209 N. 10th Street, Suite C in Hamilton. The cost of the training is $15 for materials. The Lets Control It course teaches participants (namely those who work in the liquor industry waitstaff, bartenders, managers and owners) to recognize and prevent intoxication in others. Program participants are trained by certified instructors to detect the signs of intoxication and intervene effectively to prevent any alcohol-related problems. The course also teaches participants how to identify underage persons to help limit the access to alcohol and cigarettes for youth. The Lets Control It curriculum is approved by the MT Dept of Revenue and participants will receive a certificate of completion. For further information or to register call 532-9149 or email HYPERLINK "mailto:ffavara@wmmhc.org" ffavara@wmmhc.org by October 25.
Republican Womens ClubRavalli County Republican Women's Club will hold its monthly meeting and lunch on Tuesday, October 26 at 11:30 a.m. at BJ's Restaurant in Hamilton. Guest speakers will be State Representative Gary MacLaren, running for HD89, Ed Greef running for HD90 and Nancy Sabo running for Dept. 1 Justice of the Peace. Ravalli County Republican Women meet the fourth Tuesday of each month. For more information go to the website www.ravcogop.com.
Disability presentationIn celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, you are cordially invited to a presentation by John Keener, from the Montana Center on Disabilities at Montana State University-Billings on Tuesday, October 26 at noon at the Bitterroot River Inn in Hamilton. Keener will be talking about the Gift of Diversity in celebration of this October event. Lunch will be provided. RSVP to the Chamber office at 363-2400 before October 24. The presentation will last approximately one hour.
Veterans affairs clinicAndrea Montee, Service Officer for the Montana Veterans Affairs Division in Missoula, will be available to veterans and their dependents that have questions or need to file a claim with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs on the Wednesday, October 26 from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Job Service Office in Hamilton. For more information, call 542-2501.
Health classA free class on How Diabetes Affects Your heart Health will be presented on Tuesday, October 26 at 5:30 p.m. at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital in conference rooms B & C in Hamilton. Dr. Jennifer Feighner, Hospitalist, will show you how you can decrease your cardiac risks while living with diabetes through managing cholesterol levels, making lifestyle changes, and other helpful tips about decreasing your risks. For more information call Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital at 363-2211.
Wednesday, October 27
Preschool story timePreschoolers are invited to meet in the childrens area of the Bitterroot Public Library on Wednesday, October 27 to enjoy Trick or Treat and hear books read by Kristen Weese. This story time begins at 10:30 a.m. and is designed for children 3-5 years of age. For more information, call 363-1670.
Fall Pasty SaleThe fall pasty sale sponsored by the Ravalli County Democratic Womens Club will be held Wednesday, October 27 at the Rocky Mountain Grange in Hamilton. The pasties will be made with organic beef and the usual mix of potatoes, onions, carrots and spices. They may be ordered baked or unbaked. There is also an option for 100 vegetarian pasties for the first callers who wish to place a vegetarian order. All pasties are $3 each. Place your order early with Lisa at 777-3145 or Corrine at 544-8586. Pasties may be picked up at the Grange Hall south of Hamilton between 1 and 6 p.m. on October 27. Climate change courseContinuing Education at the University of Montana, in conjunction with the Bitterroot College Program of UM, the Climate Change Studies Program and the Hamilton Performing Arts Center, will offer a course for lifelong learners in the Bitterroot Valley titled In Our Backyard: Addressing Climate Change. The course will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, Oct. 27-Nov. 17, at the Hamilton Performing Arts Center, located at 327 Fairgrounds Road. An optional field trip on the geological history of western Montana, led by UM adjunct professor of geology George Furniss, will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6. Course registration is $35 before Oct. 15 and $45 after. Registration for the Nov. 6 field trip only is $40, and the cost for both the course and field trip is $70. In Our Backyard: Addressing Climate Change will be taught by Steve Running, UM Regents Professor of Ecology; Sarah Bates, senior associate at UMs Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Policy; Diana Maneta, executive director of the Montana Renewable Energy Association; and Steve Schwarze, associate professor and chair of UMs Department of Communication Studies. The course will take a broad look at some of the impacts and opportunities facing Montana regarding climate change, including ecosystem responses, growing seasons, wildfires, water management, renewable energy and improving public discourse on the topic. For more information or to register, call Dannette Fadness, UM Continuing Education program coordinator, at 243-2905 or e-mail HYPERLINK "mailto:dannette.fadness@umontana.edu" dannette.fadness@umontana.edu.
Integrating Social Media seminarIntegrating Social Media into Your Tourism Advetising Mix will be held Wednesday, October 27 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Elks Lodge in Hamilton. Trying to figure out how social media can help your business? Still thinking social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are a waste of time? This workshop is for you! Jim McGowan (Windfall Studios/Missoulian.com) and Tim Akimoff (GrizzlyGrowler.com/Missoulian.com), experts in digital and social media, will be ready to talk about how social media is changing the online marketplace and offline marketplace, especially in the tourism industry. They will help you understand the big players in social media, their products, and practical steps to utilize those social media tools to reach new customers. This first session will be for beginners and intermediate social media users wanting to learn more about sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Case studies and practical hands on materials will be shared to help your tourism business thrive in the age of social media. Bring your questions, open your minds, and come ready to learn and apply these tools to grow your business. Call 363-2400 to register.
County candidates forumA bipartisan forum involving all candidates for the positions of County Commissioner and County Attorney will be held Wednesday, October 27 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Florence Carlton School Library. The non-partisan group, Bitterroot Citizens for Responsible Government, is sponsoring the event, with organizational assistance from the Florence Civic Club. All six of the County Commissioner candidates and both of the County Attorney candidates have been invited. There will be an informal meet-and-greet session from 6:30 to 7 p.m., followed by the forum. After opening remarks by each candidate the questioning will commence. The questions have been developed from several sources, including other forums in the valley, questions from local newspaper interviews, and input from numerous local citizens. Each county attorney question will be put to candidates Fulbright and Corn, while each commissioner question will be asked of all six of the commissioner candidates. Each candidate will have either 1 or 2 minutes to answer, with the time limits being rotated equally throughout the evening. This is the only bipartisan commissioner and attorney forum being held in Florence. More information may be obtained by calling 273-3363 or 273-7844. Refreshments will be served.
Community meetingThe Stevensville Public Schools will hold a community informational meeting on the new Music Facility/Multipurpose Building on Wednesday, October 27 at 7 p.m. in the elementary gym.
Thursday, October 28
Stevi school facility committeeThe Stevensville School Board Facility Committee will meet on Thursday, October 28 at 1 p.m.
South Valley Civic GroupThe South Valley Civic Group will meet Thursday, October 28 at 6 p.m. at the Rocky Knob Lodge in Conner in the large dining area on the left. Everyone is welcome.
Afterschool program celebrationOn Thursday, October 28 from 4:30 to 7 p.m., two of Hamiltons After-School Programs - the MAPS Media Institute and Keystone to Discovery - are hosting a parade and meet and greet for students, their parents, teachers, relatives and just plain folk. The event honors the annual national celebration of after-school programs and the work they do for American youth. Coast to coast, after-school programs will host their own Celebrate Lights On festivities. Please note: It is a documented fact that communities that offer and support After School Programs have a lower juvenile crime rate. The Hamilton festivities commence at 4:30 p.m. with a parade down Main Street. Confirmed celebrity guests include Hamilton Police Chief, Ryan Oster, Jack the Bitterroot Beagle and more to come. After the parade, Keystone and MAPS will host a party at the Westview Center gymnasium from 5 to 7 p.m. All are invited to honor Ravalli County youth and their participation in valley wide after school programs. To date, the following Ravalli County organizations, subject to availability, will be participating in the event. Ballet Bitterroot Performing Arts, Grace Lutheran Learning Center, South Valley Child and Family Center, Montana Youth Rugby, Kid Country Child Care, Hamilton Players, Two Creeks School, Bitterroot Aquatic Center, Bitterroot Buggers, Youth Basketball, MDMH Healthy Kids, River Street Dance Theater, Tae Kwon Do of Hamilton, Keystone Enrichment Program, Keystone Middle School Program and the MAPS Media Institute.
Sabre Soccer signupsStevensville Sabre Soccer sign-ups will be Thursday October 28 at 7 p.m. in the Stevensville High School, room 123. For more information contact Brooke Flynn at 880-2903.
Friday, October 29
Horsemanship & Pole Bending ClinicRavalli County High School Rodeo Association is sponsoring a horsemanship and pole bending clinic by Ken Smith, nationally renowned trainer. The clinic will be October 29 from 7 to 9 p.m. and October 30 and 31 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. It will be held at Sapphire Event Center. Cost is $225. For more information call Pam Melton, 642-3187.
Red Ribbon teen danceWhats really scary? The Red Ribbon Mash Dance and Band Contest for Ravalli County teens. Tobacco Free Ravalli and Western MT Addiction Prevention is throwing a great party on Friday, October 29 to celebrate lives free from addictions during Red Ribbon Week 2010! $100 gift certificates to The Buckle, Hot Topic and others will be given to Best Costumes and Best Dance to Michael Jacksons Thriller! Great music from local bands and DJs, food galore, and tons of other door prizes will be given out. The event will take place at The Creepy Old Bedford Building, 223 S. Second in Hamilton from 8 to 11 p.m. Admission is free but bring your $1 bills to vote for your favorite band and your high school ID. Call 961-9014 or 532-9149 for more information.
Daly Mansion Halloween partyJoin the Daly Mansion Preservation Trust for a frightfully fun night at the Daly Mansion on Friday, October 29. Bring your sleeping bag and pad or cot for the mens and womens Daly Dorm lodging - but don't plan on too much sleep. The Haunted Mansion House Party is a spooky sleep over and is an adults only event. The evening will be packed with Halloween revelry including a harvest dinner, a candlelight tour of the Mansion, ghost hunting excursions, story telling, a lantern lit tour of the grounds, scary movies, a scavenger hunt, pumpkin bowling, a continental breakfast, and a host of other activities from the other side. The evening begins with dinner at 6 p.m. and ends at 7 a.m. Reservations are $55.00 per person. For more information or to make reservations, call 363-6004 ext. 3#. The Daly Mansion is located at 251 Eastside Highway between Hamilton and Corvallis.
Paranormal activity investigationThe construction taking place at the Ravalli County Museum has the ghosts that dwell there all stirred up! Join the Valleys leading paranormal team, Hawk Paranormal Investigations (official members of the Travel Channels Ghost Adventures Series), in a paranormal investigation. Our goal is to find paranormal activity and understand it. We are among the many who believe that possibly 99% of activities can be explained by normal, everyday occurrences. The other 1% is what we, at Hawk Paranormal, seek to understand. Hawk Paranormals Lead Investigator, Tommy Waters. Join Hawk Paranormal for two nights of Ghost Tours: Friday, October 29 from 8 p.m. to 12 midnight and from midnight to 3:30 a.m.; and Saturday, October 30 from 8 p.m. to 12 midnight and from 12 midnight to 3:30 a.m. at the Ravalli County Museum, 205 Bedford Hamilton. Preregistration is required; space is limited. Hawk Paranormal will also be presenting evidence from official investigations previously done at the museum. Hear the disembodied voices on audio. See the photos taken of unexplainable phenomena. See the official equipment used by professional ghost hunters. Discover how professional ghost hunters separate the man made occurrences from paranormal phenomena. There will also be a real medium present to answer questions about paranormal phenomena. Admission is $23.00 and is open to adults and children over the age of 16 who have a parent present. For more information or to register call Tommy Waters, Lead Investigator of Hawk Paranormal, at 370-8450 or the Ravalli County Museum at 363-3338.
Saturday, October 30
BEAR Halloween PartyThe 14th Annual Dancing with BEAR Halloween Party will be held Saturday, October 30 from 7:30 to 11 p.m. at the Hamilton City Hall. Wear a crazy costume and come socialize and dance to the music of The Big Sky Mudflaps. The annual party is a fundraiser to support outdoor and mentoring programs sponsored by Bitterroot Ecological Awareness Resources (BEAR). This years event will include live music, a costume contest, silent auction with over 100 items, as well as outstanding food and drinks. Cost for the party is $20, which includes food and drinks. After 10 p.m. the cost is $10. Volunteer workers are needed and they get in free. If you cant attend the party, sponsor a local youth by making a donation to BEAR. Call 375-9110 or e-mail director@bearoutdooradventures.com for more information or to make a donation. BEAR is a non-profit providing low cost programs to all Bitterroot Valley children, including low-income and at-risk youth, dedicated to inspiring youth to connect to their own potential, the community and the landscape through experiential and outdoor adventure programs.
Thursday, November 4
Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist TrainingWestern MT Addiction Services will host the SAPST Program on November 4 and 5 at Missoula County Public School Admin. Bldg. 215 South 6th St. W. The goal of the Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training is to assist professionals in the field to gain an understanding of prevention principles and the application of evidence-based prevention strategies and programs. This is a two-day training from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call or email for a registration form: Lisa Beczkiewicz 406-532-9865, lbeczkiewicz@wmmhc.org. There is a maximum of 20 participants in the training, so registration will be handled on a first-come/first-served basis. This is a free training.
Friday, November 5 Organic Association conferenceThe Montana Organic Associations (MOA) Eighth Annual Conference and Member Meeting is an opportunity to learn about organic food and agriculture and will take place the evening of November 5 and all day November 6 at the Holiday Inn Downtown at the Park in Missoula. The conference will feature renowned author and supporter of organics, Maria Rodale of the Rodale Institute. Check out the Conference agenda and get registration details on the MOA website at www.montanaorganicassociation.org. For more information, contact Lou Ann Crowley at 721-4331 or lacrowley@onewest.net or Jeff Schahczenski at 406-494-8636 or jeffs@ncat.org.
Library sing-alongWhile youre out strolling Main Street on First Friday, November 5, stop in at the Library between 6 to 7:30 p.m. to listen to Tom Roat sing and play guitar. Popular local singer and guitar player, Roat will present a wide variety of music, including folk songs and country tunes. Tom jokes that he is regionally recognized and locally tolerated. Stop in and Sing Along with Tom Roat and friends at the North Valley Public Library, 208 Main Street in Stevensville. Call 777-5061 or visit HYPERLINK "http://www.northvalleylibrary.org" www.northvalleylibrary.org for more information.
Saturday, November 13
Marine Corps Birthday BallThe 2010 Marine Corps Birthday Ball, sponsored by the Bitterroot Valley Detachment of the Marine Corps League, will take place at the Eagles Lodge, 125 N 2nd Street, Hamilton on Saturday, November 13. Happy Hour will begin at 6 p.m. followed by the Birthday Ceremony at 7 p.m. and the banquet at 7:30. The public is invited. Tickets are $30 and must be purchased in advance. For further information call Wayne Mooney at 642-3871 or Tony Malley at 360-0818 or mail checks made out to Bitterroot Valley MCL to Wayne Mooney, PO Box 777, Victor MT 59875. Ticket sales will close on November 10. |
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