by Andrew Luibrand, Stevensville
We need conservative justices on our Montana Supreme Court. The liberals are accusing conservatives of politicizing the judiciary, but the exact opposite is true. The legislature is pursuing judicial reform, in part because three years ago they uncovered emails exposing the fact that some judges were pre-judging cases. This discovery helped explain why so many conservative bills were being overturned by the courts. The liberals have politicized the courts. The Montana Supreme Court overturned four election integrity laws passed by the legislature in 2021, including one that eliminated same-day voter registration and one that prohibited paid ballot harvesters. They also overturned a parental notification referendum that was put into place by 73% of Montana voters. The justices think that they know better than parents and the voters. They also ignored their own precedent in order to help get an extreme abortion initiative(CI-128), that is funded largely by out-of-state money, onto this year’s ballot. Lynch and Bidegaray have indicated that they would be a continuation of this status quo. At a fundraiser Lynch said, “The judiciary is the last bastion against a supermajority, so to speak. And you know what I’m talking about.” He thinks that he knows better than we the people. He wants to be on the Supreme Court to stop the legislature from doing what we have elected them to do! It is time for a change! Vote for Cory Swanson and Dan Wilson for the Montana Supreme Court.