by Sonny LaSalle, Darby
You know, what happens every election cycle when political opponents try to convince you that everything they have done (incumbents) has always been in your best interest and if they are trying to unseat the incumbent, they are far better qualified to represent you. Often their statements have a modicum of truth, but are then stretched to the point of being ridiculous. The insulting part is they expect us to believe every word, and even more insulting is if the ad shows them with a gun, Montanans will immediately vote for them. Just think how many hungry children could be fed with the millions being spent on television ads. The quest for power has gone too far, but there is a new SPIN in this cycle that is keeping me up nights and has me far more concerned about our future than ever before.
REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS is the new term for the right to kill an unborn human! That’s correct, I said kill an unborn human, because that’s what abortion really is. I know there are circumstances where it is medically necessary to perform an abortion, but that’s not what is on the table. The people that want to make it an addition to the Montana Constitution are intent on making abortion a woman’s right regardless of the reason for the abortion. What is happening to Our Montana? We used to take pride in being a Christian State, predominately Catholic at one time in our history, and now we want to make it a part of our Constitution that a woman has the right to commit murder. You can sugar coat it all you want, but killing an unborn human is medical murder.
Please understand, I am a strong supporter of Women’s Rights. Women have been treated as far less equal than men for hundreds if not thousands of years. There is a statement in the Bible that the man is the head of the household and the woman must be subservient to the man. Of course that was written by a man. Our US history is full of proof that women have been treated as property, and it is still happening in some cultures, especially in the Middle East. I firmly believe there would be less aggression and fewer wars if women were running countries. Can you imagine Russia, Syria, Iran and North Korea with women in charge? My boss at my last duty station in Colorado was a woman and I really enjoyed working for her. In fact, she was a much better boss than my previous male boss in Utah. I am telling you this personal stuff so you women out there don’t label me because of my stance on abortion.
You can rationalize all you want that the fetus is not a human until it exits the womb, but science does not support that. Why do the abortion groups fight against the requirement that a pregnant woman considering abortion view an ultra sound before the final decision? Could it be that the mother will see a miniature human with a brain, visible organs and a heartbeat? What is driving this abortion group? They are loudly basing it on the Women’s Rights campaign, and no man has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body, and I support that, until another human is involved in the form of a fetus. There is more to this effort, and some of it has to do with religion and the belief in GOD, but I can’t even begin to understand the underlying rationale.
I hope when November comes and you have the ballot in front of you, my words will still be in your mind.
Clair B says
Gomez, darling – I find it hard to follow your argument considering you bow down to the cult of liberalism, which cannot even define what a woman is.
So, in order for you to show yourself to be even a tiny bit intelligent – please enlighten us –
Gomez says
Clair. Biological or cultural?
Clair B says
No Gomez – simple question. Stop doing a Kamala.
You mentioned the word “Woman” several times.
So – I will speak s l o w l y – what is a woman?
Gomez says
Precise language matters .
Again, biological or cultural?
Gomez says
You are not in favor of women’s rights if you are a Christian who follows the Bible, as the Bible clearly tells women to sit down and shut up.
1 Timothy 2:12: “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence”
That you feel that women should also not have body autonomy tells me everything I need to know about your feelings on the subject on women’s rights.