Two scheduled road projects in Hamilton will require short-term road closures that will impact traffic, including emergency vehicles, on State Street and Pine Street this week, according to Keith Smith, Director of Public Works for the City of Hamilton.
“We will mill some of the old asphalt off State Street from 4th Street to near 6th Street on Thursday, August 23rd, and from Pine Street between 5th Street and 8th Street on Friday, Aug 24th,” said Smith. Once milling is completed, the roads will be opened to traffic with rough pavement for the weekend. Road closed signs will be posted at each location.
State Street will be closed again on Monday, August 27th to pave from 4th to 6th Streets, reopening the road Tuesday morning. Pine Street will be closed on Tuesday, August 28th, for paving, and will reopen on Wednesday morning.
“With good weather and no equipment problems, all work should be completed in time for fair parade,” said Smith.
For more information call 363-6717.