Wednesday, July 11
BPL preschool story time
Preschoolers are invited to meet in the children’s corner of the Bitterroot Public Library on Wednesday, July 11 to enjoy “Creatures of the Night” with storyteller Karla Wiencek. Story time begins at 10:30 a.m. and is designed for children 3-5 years of age. All story times are free and open to the public.
NVPL Wondrous Wednesday
All youth and families are invited to the library on Wednesday, June 11 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. for a special free summer reading event. Children will learn about and see live owls brought in by local expert, Judy Hoy. Also, there will be time to make a cool owl mask to take home. North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.
BPL Wild Wednesday
Meet Kate Davis and some of the eagles, falcons, hawks and owls that make up the Raptors of the Rockies “teaching team.” Kate is a wildlife rehabilitator, author, and photographer. Her latest book, “Raptors of the West,” received the 2011 Montana Book Award. Learn some of the habits of our local raptors – you’ll be glad you did! “Wild Wednesdays” programs begin at 1:30 p.m. on the west lawn of the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton.
Wednesday Evening Market
Hamilton Farmers Market, located on Bedford Street in historic downtown Hamilton, will begin its Wednesday Evening Markets on July 11. This weekday Market will run from 6 to 8 p.m. through August 29. If you are unable to attend on Saturdays, come by on Wednesdays for a shopping experience that is the best in locally grown produce, handmade crafts and fresh cooked goodies.
Thursday, July 12
Stevi citizen award committee
The meeting to select this year’s winners of Stevensville’s awards for top citizens will be Thursday, July 12 at 10 a.m. in the Community Room of the North Valley Public Library. Selections are made by a committee of past honorees. All past honorees – in any category – are encouraged to attend. For more information contact Amy Ling, 777-5061.
Women Newcomers’ Club
The Bitterroot Women Newcomers’ Club will meet on Thursday, July 12 at 10 a.m. at the First Christian Church in Hamilton. After a brief meeting and election of officers, members will tour two gardens in Corvallis. For more information email Newcomers at
BPL Creation Station
All ages are welcome to join Samantha Twedt on Thursday, July 12 to make crafts from 11 a.m. to 12 noon at the Bitterroot Public Library. Sam will show you how to fold a wishing boat and create lanterns. This is the last creation station of the summer.
Tea Party Patriots
Ravalli County Tea Party Patriots will meet Thursday, July 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Willow Court Apartments, 150 Skeels Ave, Hamilton (from Hwy 93 turn east on Foxfield by Tire-Rama, dead ends at Skeels, turn right, apts on left, park across the street). There will be a discussion of local, state and national issues. Learn about the 2012 candidates, discuss the Obamacare decision, and find out how you can get involved.
For more information contact Jennine Jones, 381-0314,
Museum science/art exhibit
Professional art pieces will be displayed starting July 12 at the Science in Wonderland exhibit in the Ravalli County Museum, 205 Bedford St in Hamilton. The opening, which begins at 6 p.m., will include hands-on microscope demonstrations looking at the miniature creatures in pond water with Ted Hackstadt; examining ticks and fleas with Tom Schwan; and explaining how 3-D pictures are made. There also will be interactive sessions with artists who will explain the inspiration behind their works.
The summer-long exhibit highlights the overlap between artistry and scientific imagery, featuring micrographs from Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML).
Among the local participating artists are project co-coordinator Pamela Caughey, Barbara Michelman, Heidi Zielinski, Marian Trotter, Robbie Springs, Tom Winfree, and Professor Brad Allen from the University of Montana School of Art. A handful of RML employees also will display their science-inspired creations, including Byron Caughey, Seth Winfree, Bryan Hansen, and Bob Fischer.
Speakers at the July 12 opening will briefly summarize the various art pieces on display. During the opening, there will be a Light to Electron Microscopy lecture by Dr.Tom Schwan and Beth Fischer, with demonstrations including viewing the wonderful world of pond scum with Dr. Ted Hackstadt, making a 3-D picture with Beth, and imaging your vegetables with photo-artist Bonnie Trotter.
As the summer progresses, the artists and RML scientists will discuss their work in greater detail on various Thursday evenings, also beginning at 6 p.m.
The remaining schedule is as follows:
July 19: Bob Fischer and Vincent Munster: “From Montana to Timbuktu and Pole to Equator,” field research with rodents, birds and bats.
Aug. 9: Olivia Steele-Mortimer: Salmonella, one of the most common causes of food poisoning. Using state-of-the-art microscopes, watch these bacteria invade human cells and then make themselves at home.
Aug. 16: Pamela Caughey: Caughey looks to science for inspiration in her art and describes how her recent work has tapped into science for content and imagery. She will discuss the non-toxic printmaking method she uses for the original etchings in her new series of drawings inspired by electron micrographs.
Aug. 23: Barbara Michelman: What makes a good photograph?
Sept. 6: TBD
Sept. 13: Beth Fischer: Through the microscope, science in wonderland: Adventure in to the world of electron microscopes used to explore the beauty and pathways of many disease-causing agents.
Sept. 20: Emmie De wit: Catching the flu: of birds, pigs and humans
Sept. 27: Heinz Feldmann: Studies of some of the world’s deadliest pathogens from the African bush to the laboratory bench.
The exhibit will culminate in the fall with “Going Viral,” an original performance that focuses on viruses, by the Rocky Mountain Ballet Theatre of Missoula. A brief showing will be held Oct. 12 at the museum, followed by a full performance benefit for the museum on Nov. 7 at the Roxy Theater in Hamilton, and a final performance Nov. 24 in Missoula at the University Theater.
Contact the Museum for details: 363-3338, 205 Bedford, Hamilton,
Stevi Board of Adjustment public hearing
The Stevensville Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 12 at 6:30 p.m. to consider a petition for a lot-size variance from Ravalli County Habitat for Humanity.
Stevensville Council meeting
The Stevensville Town Council will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, July 12 at 7 p.m. in the town hall. Agenda items include a report from PCI on Phase III of the Public Water Supply Wells; discussion/decision on Itinerant and Transient Vendor ordinance; discussion/decision on water rates for non-profits; discussion/decision on Town Attorney Contract for Legal Services, to name a few.
BPL Family Night
A “Starry” Family Night Library Treasure Hunt will be held Thursday, July 12 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton. For more information call 363-1670.
BPL Fellowship Club
The Bitterroot Public Library’s Fellowship Club will meet on Thursday, July 12 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. to discuss “Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate” by Gregg Braden.
In this book best-selling author and visionary scientist Gregg Braden turns our attention to a new world that is emerging before our eyes, while the unsustainable world of the past struggles to continue.
In Braden’s view, both worlds reflect the beliefs of our past. Both exist – but only for now. And yet, we must choose.
Deep Truth reveals new discoveries that change the way we think about everything, from our personal relationships to civilization itself. Braden suggests that the hottest topics that divide us as families, cultures, and nations are actually related and stem from a worldview based upon the false assumptions of an incomplete science. He reveals compelling evidence that evolution alone does not explain our existence; we’ve been on earth much longer than acknowledged by conventional history; we’re ‘wired’ for peace, not war; and we’re at a pivotal tipping point in our existence.
New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. To date Gregg’s discoveries have led to such paradigm-shattering books as: The Isaiah Effect, The Divine Matrix, The God Code, and Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age. Deep Truth is his newest book.
The Fellowship Club meets every second Thursday of the month in the West Meeting Room of the Bitterroot Public Library and is free and open to anyone seeking to promote individual and collective well being.
Call 363-1670, or email for more information.
Friday, July 13
Casting for Recovery
Friday, July 13 is the deadline to apply to participate in Casting for Recovery, a national non-profit quality of life program for women of all ages and in all stages of breast cancer and recovery. CFR provides retreats at no cost to participants, which allow women whose lives have been profoundly affected by breast cancer to gather in a beautiful, natural setting and learn to fly fish. The retreats incorporate counseling, educational services and the sport of fly fishing to promote mental and physical healing. The Glacier Country program, which serves women from western Montana, is hosting a weekend retreat September 14-16 at the Glacier Outdoor Center. Selected participants and alternates are chosen at random. Information regarding carpooling to the retreat with other participants will be shared. The retreats are free to those attending and all fly fishing gear is provided. 95% of the women who attend, have never picked up a fly rod. It’s the unique setting of nature, common bonds and learning a new skill that provides the opportunity for healing and empowerment to occur. The Flyfishers of the Bitterroot have generously committed to underwriting the cost of at least one woman from Ravalli County to attend this retreat. Women in any stage of breast cancer are encouraged to apply by going to and filling out an online application. The application deadline is July 13, 2012. Contact Heidi Sue Puryer, Program Coordinator, Kalispell at 406-752-1739 or Peg Miskin, National Program Director, Hamilton, 802-440-2227 with questions.
South Valley Pachyderm Club
Sandy Welsh, candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, will be speaking at the Friday, July 13 meeting of the South Valley Pachyderm Club. The club meets at 12 noon on the second and fourth Fridays at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. First Street, in Hamilton. The South Valley Pachyderm Club is an officially recognized allied organization of the Republican Party. Members of the public are welcome.
Herb cooking class
Curious about herbs? Come and learn about different herbs through taste, touch, smell, and sight. Plant your own herbs to take home and grow, and learn how to decrease sodium in meals without decreasing flavor. Class is $10 and is on Friday, July 13 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in Hamilton. If you have any questions contact your MSU/Ravalli County Extension Office at 375-6611 or email .
Oil field basics class
People interested in working the Bakken oil fields of eastern Montana can attend a new class offered by the Bitterroot College of The University of Montana in Hamilton. “Bakken Oil and Gas Field Basics” will be offered on Friday, July 13 or Friday, July 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The one-day Bitterroot College UM course costs $55 for those registering by July 6 and $65 for those registering thereafter. It will be held in Classroom 1 at 274 Old Corvallis Road in Hamilton. Call 406-375-0100 or visit to enroll.
The BC course is perfect for those wishing to start an oil industry career or simply learn about the current Bakken oil and gas boom. The class offers essential oil-patch terminology, as well as the fundamentals of oil and gas geology.
The course was developed by Plains Energy Technical Resources and originally was offered at Dawson Community College to workers in Glendive. It’s a must for anyone interested in working in eastern Montana or western North Dakota. George Furniss, an adjunct geosciences instructor, will teach the class.
For more information visit
NVPL Children’s Movie Matinee
Come down to the library on Friday, July 13 at 2 p.m. to cool off with your friends and watch a free flick on the big screen. All Friday movie matinees will be G or PG and will be fun newer releases. Candy will be for sale but bring your own beverage. Call the library for more information about this week’s pick. North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.
Saturday, July 14
NVFC Family Fun Day
July Family Fun Day with Bingo and Games will be held Saturday, July 14 from 12 noon to 3 p.m. at the North Valley Family Center, 5501 Hwy 93 N, in suite 3 of the Florence Business Center, next to the Town Pump. Bring yourselves and some games if you wish. If not, we will have plenty here. Lunch will be served. Call 273-0142 for more information.
Monday, July 16
Lutheran VBS
Stevensville’s Our Savior Lutheran Church offers this summer’s Vacation Bible School July 16 through 20, for ages 4 through 12. Children will go on the “Amazing Desert Journey” to learn about God’s plan to rescue them from sin and death through His son, Jesus. As they learn accounts from Scripture of God’s mercy, salvation and forgiveness, they will relate these truths to their own life and faith, now and eternally.
Classes run from 9 to 11:30 a.m. the week of July 16th. Call 777-5625 weekday mornings for more information. Our Savior, located at 184 Pine Hollow Road, is affiliated with the Lutheran Church––Missouri Synod. To find the church, head south from Stevensville on the Eastside Highway. Approximately one mile past the intersection of Middle Burnt Fork Road, turn east on Pine Hollow. Cross the tracks and the canal, and the church will be on the left, marked by three crosses.
Rotary Club
During July, Hamilton Rotary Club is featuring the theme, “Ravalli County Emergency Preparedness.” Lew Pacely of Ravalli County ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) will be the speaker on July 16. The club meets Mondays at noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st Street, Hamilton. There will be time for questions and discussion. This meeting is open to the public. For further information call 363-2960.
Tuesday, July 17
NVPL Music Makers Storytime
Music Makers Storytime will be held at the North Valley Public Library on Tuesday, July 17 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Melissa Sparks leads the group through singing, movement, fingerplays and stories. This early literacy development program is created for ages birth-five with an accompanying adult. July’s theme is Food and Fun, so bring your appetite! There will be time to stay and play after the program as well as share in a healthy snack. North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.
Almgren reception
A retirement reception for Darby Library Trustee Ada Almgren will be held at the Darby Community Public Library on Tuesday, July 17 at 6 p.m. The community is invited to attend.
BPL night photography class
A free introduction to making digital pictures after the sun goes down will be held Tuesday, July 17 from 8 to 9 p.m. in the west meeting room of the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton. Come to class with your camera, borrow a tripod if you can. Submit an after-dark photo for a Summer Reading Program raffle ticket. Bain Robinson is the instructor. Call 363-1670 for more information.
Thursday, July 19
Daly Hospital blood drive
The American Red Cross strives to collect over 700 pints of blood to meet the needs of patients in this area alone. In the Montana service area every 27 minutes someone needs blood. Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital (MDMH) helps the American Red Cross meet this need by sponsoring blood drives four times a year. The next scheduled MDMH Blood Drive will be on Thursday, July 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms B/C. This year’s remaining MDMH sponsored blood drive will be held on October 4th. To schedule your blood drive appointment call Gary Schulz at 375-4451. Donors please remember to eat complete meals and drink plenty of water before donating blood and bring your identification. For more information visit
Democrat fundraiser
A fundraising event will be held Saturday, July 21 from 5 to 8 p.m. at 822 Sweathouse Creek Road. Come get to know local Democratic candidates ‘Big’ Dave Smith, Pam Erickson and Peggy Steffes. Meet John Walsh, candidate for Montana Lt. Governor. Dexter Payne and the Lionel Young Band will provide musical entertainment. There will be a barbecue and libations. Admission is $5. For more information and/or to volunteer, call Marci at 369-0337.