Ravalli County Public Health Dept.
August 24, 2020
As of 2 p.m. today, Ravalli County Public Health has received three new cases of COVID-19. Ravalli County currently has eight active cases of COVID-19.
- One new active case is a child under the age of 15; this case is related to travel.
- One new active case is a female in her thirties; this case is also related to travel.
- Each of these travel related cases is independent of the other.
- The final new case is a female under the age of 20 and is likely due to community spread.
- One active case remains hospitalized.
- Public Health nurses continue to release active cases from isolation once they recover from symptoms.
The female in her seventies reported as an active case on Friday, as well as her husband, who subsequently tested positive for COVID-19, have been determined to be out-of-state residents. They will no longer be reflected on the county’s active case count.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, please call your provider.
If you have a known exposure to someone with COVID-19, Public Health recommends self-quarantine and to call Public Health for further guidance.
If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please call: (406) 375-6672.