Wednesday, February 1
Garden Club
The Stevensville Garden Club will meet on Wednesday, February 1, at 12 noon for its annual soup and bread game day. You’re invited to the Community Baptist Church, 409 Buck Street in Stevensville for some great soups, breads and desserts along with a fun meeting featuring Garden Jeopardy with white elephant prizes. Come enjoy the day! For more information call Sue at 369-0406.
Thursday, February 2
Photo contest deadline
Thursday, February 2 is the deadline to submit entries in the Ernst Peterson Photo Contest. Pick one or more categories for Amateur, Student, or Professional, and submit your photos. Contestants who are under 18 years of age pay $3.00 per entry and contestants over 18 years of age pay $5.00 per entry. Check the website for
details or call 363-3338.
Conference streaming
Center for Spiritual Living, Bitterroot Valley will host live streaming access to the Sister Giant “Politics of Love” conference happening in Washington DC this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Feb 2-4, beginning Thursday at 4 p.m. Senator Bernie Sanders will give the Keynote address. Other speakers include Marianne Williamson, Dennis Kucinich, Congresswoman Jayapal, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Jean Houston, Lisa Bloom, and many more. Event info available at Local hosting contact information: Barb Lucas 531-5699 and Rebecca Lellek 396-5552.
Friday, February 3
North Valley Pachyderm Club
The North Valley Pachyderm Club will meet Friday, February 3 at 12 noon at The Frontier Café, Hwy 93 in Stevensville. Guest speaker will be the new Sheriff Steve Holton. The North Valley Pachyderm Club is an educational arm of the Republican Party. All are welcome.
Lunch Time Learning
Becky Lovejoy will lead a discussion on Paleo and Gluten Free Lifestyles at a Lunch Time Learning session on Friday, February 3, 12 noon to 1 p.m. at the O’Hara Commons & Sustainability Center, 111 S. 4th, Hamilton. A gluten-free lifestyle avoids common grains that contain gluten, and the Paleo lifestyle goes a step further to avoid all grains. Learn the basics, ask questions, and share information, because what we eat has a profound effect on how we feel. Open to the public. Email questions to
Fly-Tying demonstration
Author Tony Tomsu of Stevensville will make his first public demonstration of tying and making foam trout flies in the wake of the release of his new book on that subject on Friday, February 3 from 3 to 6 p.m. at Valley Drug in Stevensville as part of the First Friday celebration. Tomsu’s book, titled “Creations From the River Road: Fishing and Making Foam Trout Flies” is a 212-page book with over 500 color photographs giving step-by-step tying illustrations issued in 8 ½ by 11-inch format that gives detailed instructions for tying 20 of his favorite patterns fishermen use on trout streams in Montana and the western U.S. He will demonstrate tying two of those patterns Friday and answer questions. Tomsu plans to demonstrate tying two of his favorite patterns fished in the Bitterroot area – the skwala fly tied specifically to fish on the Bitterroot River during the upcoming spring hatch of that insect and the hopper fly that graces the cover of his book, as well as be available to sign copies of his new book recently published by Stoneydale Press of Stevensville.
K of C dinner
The Knights of Columbus will hold their First Friday Community Dinner on Friday, February 3 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the St. Francis Pastoral Center located at 411 S. 5th in Hamilton. Special guests are participants of the Bitterroot Winter Special Olympics. This is an excellent opportunity to get out of the house and let someone else do the cooking for you. The “all you can eat” meal will be enchiladas (chicken and beef), refried beans, tossed green salad, dessert and soft beverage. Cost is $8.00 per person, children under nine eat free so bring the kids! As a special offer a family of 4 or more (2 adults and children) can eat for $28.00. Wine can be purchased separately. For information contact Nick Hooper at 961-3930. 100% of all proceeds go toward charitable giving within the community.
Creativity workshop
Looking to learn and experience the Creative Process in a variety of fields? Plan to attend a community-based workshop on Friday, February 3 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Bitterroot Public Library (downstairs meeting room). This will be a free introduction to the concepts, followed on Saturday, February 4 with a full-day workshop of classes presented by numerous speakers and specialists from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (registration 8:30 a.m.) Suggested donation: sliding scale $20-60; receive a certificate of attendance.
Presenters include: Amanda Walker ( on Present Moment Awareness; Kris Bayer on Creative Process in Stories; Sarah Lloyd on Creating with Improv & Performance; Douglas E. Taylor on Using Your Whole Creative Brain; also, Harold Shinto, Lynna Hite, Jacqueline Locke, and Daphne Bierer. Optional no-host lunch. Bring a notebook and pen along with your body, mind, and heart ready to learn and create!
For more information, contact Kris Bayer 307-274-6850 or Amanda Walker 406-381-8619 (
Photography exhibit
A photography show will open on First Friday, February 3 at 5 p.m. at betterRoot Hand Crafted Cidery, Florence. The work of Merle Ann Loman of A Montana View Photography – “Communing with Nature.” will be on display. Loman is a Master Naturalist and photographer. Her images are sharply focused with great detail and she creates a connection between humans and nature with her sense of artistry. Her ultimate goal is to capture nature through photography without altering it, and to provide documentation that promotes the appreciation, study and understanding of natural history through all of our western Montana seasons. Loman is choosing to donate 10% of all sales to the Bitterroot River Protection Association. BRPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to protection of the waters of the Bitterroot River Basin from environmental degradation or privatization. Read more about it at A First Friday reception will be February 3 from 5 to 9 p.m. betterRoot Cidery is located at 5066 Hoblitt Lane North (south of Florence – on Hwy 93 turn east on Sweeney, in .5 miles turn south on Hoblitt). Call 406-830-1146 for more information. Travis Yost will be playing music.
First Friday at library
Local bluegrass band the “Awesome Possums” will be performing Friday, February 3 at 6 p.m. at North Valley Public Library in Stevensville. The Awesome Possums play bluegrass the way it’s “meant” to be played. You may hear bluegrass, swing, Dylan, whatever seems to fit the moment. The Awesome Possums are a sub-group of the popular Pinegrass bluegrass band. As usual, refreshments will be available, so why not escape the cold while enjoying live music! This event is free and open to the public. Since the Community Room is being renovated, the First Friday event will be held in the Main Library. The main library will be closed for borrowing and computer use from 6 p.m. North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information call the Library at 777-5061. First Friday events are held in conjunction with the Stevensville Main Street Association.
Saturday, February 4
Saturday Bingo
Hamilton Senior Center will be hosting a Special Saturday Bingo on February 4. Doors open at 12 noon, games start at 1 p.m. Paper cards will be used. Free refreshments. Must be 18 to play. Call Cathy at 375-9276 for information.
Square dance club
Boots & Calico Square Dance Club will have special guest caller Eddie Fields from Idaho on Saturday, February 4th. Round dance music provided by Don Scheline. Pre Rounds 7 p.m., followed by a Mainstream dance from 7:30 to 9:30 inside the Golden Age Center, 5th & Baker Streets, Hamilton. As always, spectators are welcome.
Sunday, February 5
Center for Spiritual Living
“Divine Paradox – Uniqueness Within Oneness” featuring Dave Schultz, CSLBV’s Director and Spiritual Leader will be the presentation on Sunday, February 5 at 10 a.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living, 1720 N. 1st Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. Creation expresses God with unlimited diversity and in perfect inclusive harmony. You can learn to honor and embody both aspects in your view of yourself and the world. Meditation is at 9:30 a.m. Refreshments and meaningful conversation follow at 11:15 a.m. For further information, call Dave Schultz at 381-2355 or visit
Victor Museum meeting
The Victor Heritage Museum’s annual meeting and board meeting will take place Sunday, February 5 at 1 p.m. at the Museum. All interested people are invited to attend. Your ideas and support are welcome. Cookies and coffee will be available. You do not need to be a member to attend. For more information call Suzanne at 363-3165.
Monday, February 6
Stevi school menu
Monday: Breakfast – Waffles or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Lasagna Roll-ups, mixed veggies, pears, bread & butter, milk
Tuesday: Breakfast – Cinnamon Rolls or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Tacos, refried beans, oranges, bread & butter, milk
Wednesday: Breakfast – Cereal or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Chef’s Salad with ham & cheese, apricots, bread & butter, milk
Thursday: Breakfast – Pancake on a stick or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Sloppy Joes, taters, grapes, bread & butter, milk
Friday: Breakfast – Ham Bites or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Sea Wonders, coleslaw, pineapple, bread & butter, milk.
Rotary Club
Tamar Stanley, Director of the Ravalli County Museum, will be speaking again at the next meeting of the Hamilton Rotary Club, on Monday, February 6 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st, Hamilton. Tamar’s recent visit peaked member interest in Chief Joseph’s Band transiting The Bitterroot in 1877. The meeting is open to the public. For further Rotary Club information, call 363-2960.
Nonviolent Communication Discussion Group
Learn to communicate in a non-violent way at a discussion group on Monday, February 6 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. (ongoing on the first and third Mondays of the month) at The Center for Spiritual Living, 1720 N. 1st Street, Hamilton (north of Sears). Peace and violence start within each individual and are expressed by the way we communicate with one another. This discussion group is based on the book “Nonviolent Communication—A Language of Life” by Marshall Rosenberg. Come and learn Marshall’s simple technique to communicate and build healthy, strong relationships in a non-violent, peaceful, and respectful way. Purchase the book from your favorite book source. By donation. For more information call Salim at 241-1292 or visit the website
Tuesday, February 7
Sons of Norway
Bitterrootdalen Lodge, Sons of Norway, will meet Tuesday, February 7 at 5:30 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 275 Hattie, in Hamilton. There will be installation of officers for 2017-2019. There will be a discussion of Sons of Norway cultural activities and a report on the District 4 meeting in Helena last June. The Lodge will provide a main dish, drinks and service. Members and visitors are invited to bring a side dish. The public is welcome. For information call Jackie at 961-4538.
Ravalli County Recycling meeting
Ravalli County Recycling will present Cupcakes and Cocoa on Tuesday, February 7 at 5:30 p.m. at the Carriage House, 310 N. 4th Street, Hamilton. The meeting will offer local residents the opportunity to learn about environmental practices, internships, and open volunteer positions from greeter to helping with aluminum sales, as well as Board of Director positions. Ravalli County Recycling will be looking to expand its operation to include education into the schools, sponsor a sustainability conference and work towards governmental policy bringing funding to these local recycling efforts and ensuring community wide recycling programs. RCR is in need of community members to form a steering committee to guide these projects and is seeking leaders and support persons. If you have time and interest in supporting environmental programs here in the Bitterroot, your participation is welcomed. RSVP appreciated due to limited seating. Contact RCR Board Secretary Maria 406-381-9427 or
Fly Fishers of the Bitterroot
The monthly meeting of FFB will be Tuesday, February 7 at BJ’s Restaurant in Hamilton. Social hour is 6 to 7 p.m. with cocktails/dinner optional. The speaker is Andy Carlson, owner of Bitterroot Anglers, fly fishing outfitter and teacher for over 42 years. Andy has been involved in trout/water politics since 1972. He sat on the board of directors of the Montana Trout Foundation with fishing luminaries Dan Bailey and Bud Lilly. Andy and a small group of activists helped create minimum flow waters in the Bitterroot River via the acquisition of stored waters at Painted Rocks Reservoir up the West Fork of the Bitterroot River. This was instrumental in managing the river’s wild trout population. His topic is “Riverology: Everything You Thought You Knew About The Bitterroot.” If you would like more info regarding the fishing club, or would like to attend a meeting, call Dorreen 363-0744.
Wednesday, February 8
Daly Mansion board
The Daly Mansion Preservation Trust Board will meet Wednesday, February 8 at 5 p.m. at the Mansion. The public is welcome.