As a 60 year old, 4th generation Montanan, I grew up with my mother and grandmother wearing safety pins on their dresses. I currently have two safety pins on my shirt. When anyone in our family finds a safety pin, anywhere, we save it for use later. Our family story is, God provides safety pins and we smile every time we find one.
When I read about people wearing safety pins to show they are people who are helping keep the world safe for all, I know my mother and grandmother would smile if they were alive as safety was important to them, especially young people’s safety.
In response to Dee Gibney’s recent letter, I believe our way through this difficult time is to focus on what unites us rather then on what divides us. It is a good time for a purposeful search for common principles.
To quote Jesus, “Love your neighbor.” Jesus did not put any conditions on this Love.
I pray that Dee seeks common ground and if she sees me in public, with a safety pin or two on my blouse, she will smile and honor the great Montana women who raised me and seek the words of Jesus.
Susan Latimer