Legal Notice
The Ravalli County Planning Department is inviting public comment on a floodplain permit application for a proposed project within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area of the Bitterroot River. The applicant is Ms. Christine Brissette on behalf of Lee Metcalf Wildlife Refuge. The proposed project will remove the existing relic check dam structure (two 48” culverts with standpipes) which crosses North Burnt Fork Creek and will replace the structure with a 32’ 7” wide, 7-9’ tall aluminum box culvert. The project is located along the paved pedestrian trail. The new crossing will maintain pedestrian access to the adjacent trail system and provide occasional access for emergency and maintenance vehicles. The project will also restore 994 feet of streambank and restore wetland areas to improve the existing riparian habitat along North Burnt Fork Creek. The project is located at the Lee Metcalf Wildlife Refuge Walking Area Wildfowl Lane in Section 15, Township 9 N, Range 20 W. Parcel# 260550. Information regarding this application is available at the Ravalli County Planning Department at 215 S 4th St, Suite F in Hamilton. Written comments may be mailed, hand-delivered or emailed (planning@rc.mt.gov) and must be received by Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 at 5:00 pm. (Reference Application # FA-23-11).
BS 8-21-24.