Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Professional Engineering Services
Bitter Root Irrigation District
On-Call Irrigation Services
The Bitter Root Irrigation District (BRID) is soliciting professional services for on-call engineering support of BRID activities, including, but not limited to: planning, studies, design, construction, cost estimating, rate studies, preparation and administration of grant applications, support of BRID maintenance activities, evaluation of issues/concerns related to BRID facilities, selection of materials for repairs or improvements, and general engineering consultation with staff and the commissioners. The BRID intends to select one or more engineering firms to provide services.
This RFQ also includes the professional services noted above for the Water Efficiency, Modernization, and Planning Study Project was funded by an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant. Services required will include application for, support for administration of, and tracking fund usage for grants from a variety of federal, state, and local agencies. The selected consultant will be required to meet all grant requirements for reimbursement.
This document is intended to provide interested consultants with sufficient information to prepare and submit a statement of qualifications for consideration by BRID.
Submittal Format and Proposal Content:
Five hard copies of the Statement of Qualifications must be submitted to:
Bitterroot Irrigation District
John Crowley, Manager
1182 Lazy J. Lane
Corvallis, MT 59828
Phone 406-961-1182
Responses will be received no later than 5:00 PM (local time) on (May 4, 2022) in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the outside “SOQ for BRID On-Call Services”. Legibility, clarity, and completeness are essential.
The proposal must be organized in accordance with this section. Brevity is appreciated by the BRID staff reviewing the proposals. The proposal may not exceed 15 pages and font size shall be 11 point or larger. Covers, cover letter dividers, and table of contents are not included in the page count. Key personnel resumes (1 page limit per person) shall be included as Appendix A and are not included in the page count. When using double sided printing, each side of the page is counted as one page. A proposal exceeding the specified number of pages may be considered non-responsive, and the proposal may not be considered.
The proposals shall contain the following information at a minimum:
1. The firm’s legal name, address, and telephone number (0 points)
2. Qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project and a general description of company resources relevant to irrigation projects (40 points)
3. Related experience on similar irrigation projects, including the name and phone number of a local official knowledgeable, regarding the firm’s performance (reference) (20 points)
4. Recent and current work for BRID (5 points)
5. Location (15 points)
6. Present and projected workloads and (10 points)
7. Capability to meet time and project budget requirements (10 points)
Selection will be based on a review of the submitted SOQ, a determination that the firm(s) have the ability to meet the needs of the District, and that the firm will bring the greatest benefit to BRID in the opinion of the commissioners.
BRID may select one or more firms submitting SOQs. BRID may select one or more firms based on information in the submitted SOQ or may elect to conduct interview with preferred firms. BRID may elect to enter into a Master Services Agreement with the selected firm(s) and carry out work through a series of task orders to define scope and budget for discrete tasks or may use a project specific contract that includes scope and budget to carry out work.
BRID reserves the right to reject any or all statements of qualification and re-advertise, to waive any irregularities in the statements of qualification, and to accept the statement of qualification that best benefits BRID. BRID reserves the right to negotiate agreements based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed as well as the right to reject any and all proposals deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate. All proposals become the property of the BRID. BRID is not responsible for any costs associated with preparing qualification statements in response to this RFQ.
Questions should be directed to John Crowley, BRID Manager, 406-961-1182.
BS 4-27, 5-4-22.