Legal Notice
The Ravalli County Planning Department is inviting public comment on a floodplain permit application for a proposed project within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area of the East Fork Bitterroot River. The applicant is Mr. Matt Tull. The project will construct a 20 foot by 24 foot wooden deck approximately 150 feet northwest of the East Fork Bitterroot River. A prefabricated recreational cabin will be placed on top of the deck for seasonal use. The site is located at 1495 E. Fork Road, approximately 7 mile east of Sula, in Section 05, T1N, R18W, Ravalli County. Information regarding this application is available at the Ravalli County Planning Department at 215 S 4th St, Suite F in Hamilton. Written comments may be mailed, hand-delivered or emailed ( and must be received by Wednesday May 27th, 2020 at 5:00 pm. (Reference Application # FA-20-05).