The Bitterroot Star was awarded the county legal publishing contract for the coming year at a bid opening held on January 2, 2019.
The Bitterroot Star submitted a bid of $2.00 for the first folio (100 words) and $1.00 for each subsequent folio. The newspaper also submitted a sworn statement of distribution of 6,775.
The Ravalli Republic, the only other bidder, submitted a bid of $2.75 for the first folio and $2.60 for each subsequent folio. The newspaper submitted a sworn statement of distribution of 2,533.
Although the Ravalli Republic submitted a bid for display advertising of $5.07 per column inch the county did not solicit a bid for display advertising this year. Administrative Assistant Glenda Wiles explained that following a discussion with the Clerk and Recorder and other department heads it was decided not to make a county-wide contract for display advertising but to leave it open up to each department to make its own arrangements for display advertising. Under state law only the county’s legal publications are required to be put out to bid.