I am asking you to please join me in supporting Greg Chilcott in his bid for re-election as County Commissioner from District 2. Greg understands Ravalli County and has a long family history here in the Bitterroot Valley. He has served on the Board of Ravalli County Commissioners since 2003 and the current board continually relies on his knowledge, experience and understanding of previous board actions.
While Greg and I agree on most issues, we occasionally differ, but I always respect the way he articulates the rationale for his position. Greg is an advocate for Ravalli County at a local, state and national level and has been recognized at all levels for his demonstrated leadership and knowledge. His advocacy for continued funding of PILT and SRS are crucial for Ravalli County’s operational and capital budget. He has been part of the development of a sustainable budget that has allowed Ravalli County to build operating and capital reserves. These reserves allow the county to fund large equipment and facility repairs, upgrades and purchases from the capital reserve fund and not borrow or bond.
Commissioner Greg Chilcott understands Ravalli County, our customs, culture, heritage and the important issues we face in the future. He is intelligent, honest, and hardworking and is an excellent husband, dad and grandfather. Please vote for Greg Chilcott for County Commissioner District 2.
Jeff Burrows
County Commissioner District 4