The interlocking group of people here in the Three Mile area has been using anger as a means of control. Fortunately, it isn’t working this time.
No amount of snarling will change the fact that the Three Mile Gravity system is owned by the Bitter Root Irrigation District and the district is legally required to operate and maintain it.
Snarling will also not change the fact that the two Three Mile fire stations are public property paid for by Three Mile property owners through their property taxes.
Snarling will also not change the fact that Three Mile residents are not about to fork out $450,000 so contractors associated with the interlocking group of people can make a fat profit building a community center.
With people associated with Lone Rock School telling a neighboring property owner that she cannot swing on the swings on school property behind the Three Mile fire station with her young children, the school district should not be surprised that it is unable to pass a mill levy.
Snarling at people is not the way to win their support.
Don Baty