Wednesday, November 5
Stevi Garden Club
The Stevensville Garden Club will meet Wednesday, November 5 at 1 p.m. at the Community Baptist Church, 409 Buck Street, Stevensville. The group will be making flower designs for the American Legion Dinner and the local care facility. Come help in celebrating Veterans Day by creating designs. For information call Linda at 777-4777.
Master Gardener Open House
A Master Gardener Open House will be held on Wednesday, November 5 at the Bitterroot Public Library from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. All alumni and aspiring Master Gardeners welcome. The event will include presentations from local gardening volunteer leaders and a special Q&A session with local experts Sylvia McNeil (Master Arborist), Molly Hackett (Master Gardener and author) and Jim Story (Entomologist). For more information and to RSVP contact or call 375-6611.
Spiritual Video Night
The Center for Spiritual Living invites everyone to Spiritual Video Night, Wednesday November 5 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oprah Winfrey talks to peace activist and Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh about becoming a monk, meeting Martin Luther King Jr., about the powers of mindfulness, insight, concentration and compassion, how to transform warring parties and how to deeply transform relationships. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. For further information call Serenity at 381-4068 or visit
Thursday, November 6
Book reading
Local author Jennifer De Groot will share her book, “The Life and Legacy of Marcus Daly” with a reading and activity for elementary school children followed by a book signing on Thursday, November 6 at 5 p.m. at the Darby Community Public Library. Contact the library at 821-4771 for more information.
Friday, November 7
Smart Driver class
The Stevensville Senior Center, located at 100 Mission Street, will host an all new, four-hour Smart Driver Class, (formerly ’55 Alive’) on Friday, November 7 from 1 to 5 p.m. While this safe driving strategies class is designed for drivers age 50 and over, all drivers are welcome. This course brings you up to date with the latest changes in Montana traffic laws and vehicle safety technology. There are no written exams or driving tests and, Montana mandates insurance discounts for qualified graduates. The class fee is $15.00 for AARP members; $20.00 for non-members. Pre-registration is advised. For registration, call the Stevensville Senior Center at 777-5681. For further information, call Thom Ainsworth at 369-0149.
Museum Pie Social
The Stevensville Historical Museum will sponsor a Pie Social on Friday, November 7 from 5 to 9 p.m. at 317 Main Street (next to the Stevensville Playhouse), in Stevensville. The cost of a piece of homemade pie and beverage is $4.00. This event will be held on the First Friday in November as a fund-raiser for the Stevensville Historical Museum. Bring your friends and family for a piece of pie and good conversation. For more information call Stacey at 777-5126 or Ruth at 777-3201.
Operation Christmas Child packing party
Join Operation Christmas Child for a Shoebox Packing Party on First Friday, November 7 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Bitterroot Christian Bookstore in Hamilton. The staff has ordered special gift items to pack in your boxes. There will be free items as well as shoeboxes. Volunteers will be on hand to help you and answer questions. Contact the Bookstore at 363-7701 or Greg Reinhardt at 360-4253 for more information. National Collection Week is November 17-24.
Knights of Columbus dinner
The Knights of Columbus will hold an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner on First Friday, November 7 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at St. Francis Pastoral Center, 411 S. 5th, Hamilton. The meal consists of both gluten free and regular spaghetti, sauce with and without meat, vegetable, tossed green salad, homemade French bread, apple pie for dessert and soft beverage. The cost is $10.00 per person; children under nine eat free. Wine can be purchased separately. The Knights of Columbus will donate the proceeds of the spaghetti dinner to a family of St. Francis Parish to offset the cost of travel to provide comfort to their son battling cancer. For information contact Nick Hooper at 381-1200.
First Friday at NV Library
Looking for some fun on while strolling Main Street on First Friday in Stevensville? On November 7 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. the North Valley Public Library will host local musicians “Ron & Sonia” who will perform an array of pop and Celtic music featuring the flute, guitar and vocals. Stop into your friendly local library with your friends and family and listen to their beautiful music. Admission is free and all ages are welcome. Light refreshments will be served. The North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.
Stevi Community Foundation celebration
Stevensville Community Foundation is celebrating its 20th year of giving to the community. The public is invited to join in celebration during First Friday on November 7. Anniversary cake will be served to all who stop by 309 Main Street from 5 to 7 p.m. SCF board members will be on hand to answer questions and thank the community for their support over the years. November 7th is also the deadline for submitting a grant application in the fall grant cycle. If you’re a local non-profit, group or organization, SCF board members will be available to discuss your project’s needs before the midnight application deadline. Go online to from now until midnight November 7th to apply for a grant. Let the giving continue!
Golden Age dance
A live band dance will be held Friday, November 7 from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at the Golden Age Hall, 727 S. 5th in Hamilton. This is a non-alcoholic, non-smoking venue. Potluck snacks are served at music break. Cost is $3.00 per person. For info or is interested in joining the organization, call 406-240-9617.
Saturday, November 8
Flea market
A flea market will be held Saturday, November 8 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Hamilton Senior Center, 820 N. 4th. There will be antiques, collectibles, new and used items and much more. Pastries, coffee and lunch will be available. Rent a table for $5 by calling April at 363-0112.
St. Mary’s bazaar
St. Mary’s annual parish bazaar will take place on Saturday, November 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Family Center, 400 Charlos in Stevensville. In addition to a silent auction there will be crafts, baked goods, a raffle, hot food and more. Individual crafters’ tables are available for a $25 fee. Items to be raffled off include a quilt, an afghan, and a cedar-lined blanket chest. Each of these items is hand-crafted by a parishioner. For more information call Mary Beth Edens at 273-6598, or at
Marine Corps birthday gala
The Bitterroot Valley Detachment of the Marine Corps League announces the celebration of the 239th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps to be held at the Eagles Lodge in Hamilton on Saturday, November 8. There will be a no-host cocktail hour beginning at 6 p.m. The Birthday Ceremony will commence at 7 p.m., followed by dinner, and dancing to the live music of “Hired Hand.” Marines, Marine families, veterans, and the public are invited to attend this annual event. Tickets are $25.00 per person. Reservations are required – contact Wayne Mooney at 642-3871 or Joe Rogish at 642-3246 for information and reservations. Choice of dinners includes prime rib or chicken mornay, with salad, green beans, potato and birthday cake. The Eagles Lodge is located at 125 N. 2nd Street in Hamilton. Reservations should be made no later than November 1, 2014.
Jamboree cancelled
The Clem Small Good Time Jamboree concert scheduled for November 8 has been cancelled. The series will resume on December 6 with a full slate of performers and an informal jam session following the scheduled groups. The December concert will feature Pam Small and her Baroque group, Fred Lerch and his band, Stuck in the Mud, and the third set will be local folk trio Tin Cup. For more information or questions, call John at 381-2483.
Concert for the Arts
Bitterroot school of Music and ARTrageous Present
Concert for the Arts, a benefit for young artists and musicians featuring Phillip Aaberg, Jack Gladstone, Rob Quist and David Griffith on Saturday, November 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center, Hamilton High School, 327 Fairgrounds Road, Hamilton. Reserved seating tickets are $22.50 and $27.50. Tickets available online at or Hamilton Performing Arts Center Box Office, 363-7946 and Rooted Music, 363-5491. The evening events include a showcase of Bitterroot School of Music students and an unprecedented evening of musical collaboration with three of Montana’s finest musicians and songwriters: Phillip Aaberg, Jack Gladstone and Rob Quist. Instrument donations will be taken the night of the concert or at Rooted Music, 100 Skeels Ave, Hamilton. For more information call 406-544-6988.
Sunday, November 9
Center for Spiritual Living
The Center for Spiritual Living will host I Serenity presenting “Grateful For Great Thinking” on Sunday, November 9 at 10 a.m. Serenity is a Life Coach and a Social Security disability advocate in Hamilton. Music with LeGrande Harvey. Refreshments and conversation follow at 11:15 a.m. Come early for Meditation at 9:30 a.m. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. Further information call Dave at 381-2355 or visit
Audubon Highway Cleanup
Help Bitterroot Audubon make Montana a more beautiful place to live as they tidy up their adopted section of Highway 93 on Sunday, November 9. Meet at 2 p.m. at Highway Mile Marker 64, about 3 miles south of the Stevensville Wye. Park on the west side of the highway in the large turnout. The club will supply bright reflective vests and plastic bags for everyone, as well as treats. Bring gloves and wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Call Kay Fulton for more information, 642-3794.
Accordion Assn.
Come down and enjoy the music of the 5 Valley Accordion Association at the Rustic Hut on Sunday, November 9 from 1 to 4 p.m. Members $3.00 and non-members $4.00. For info call 406-240-9617.
Monday, November 10
Stevi school menu
Monday: Breakfast – Pancakes or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Meatballs, mashed potatoes & gravy, peaches, bread & butter, milk
Tuesday: Breakfast – Bagels with cream cheese or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Chicken enchilada, Spanish rice, apples, bread & butter, chocolate or regular milk
Wednesday: Breakfast – Cereal or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Chicken & noodles, tossed salad, applesauce, bread & butter, milk
Thursday: Breakfast – French toast or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Cheeseburgers, taters, kiwi, bread & butter, milk
Friday: Professional development day—No school
Rotary Club
Ravalli County Sheriff Chris Hoffman will be speaking at the next meeting of the Hamilton Rotary Club, on Monday, November 10 at 12 noon. Sheriff Hoffman will be providing an overview of the challenges for his department and emerging trends. The Club meets at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st Street, Hamilton. The meeting is open to the public. For further information, call 363-2960.
Green Thumbs Up
The Green Thumbs Up Garden Club will meet Monday, November 10 at 2 p.m. in the downstairs meeting room of Hamilton’s public library. Guest speaker will be Jill Davies of Sustainable Living Systems. You are invited at attend GTU meetings, which are always free and open to the public. Call Joyce at 375-9189 for more information.
Drum Circle
An African Drum Circle will be held Monday, November 10 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living, 1720 N. 1st Street (north of Sears). Bring your drum, rattles, and other instruments and be part of the fun. No drums? No worries, there will be instruments to share. Drum Circle meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. For information, contact Jerry at 381-7220 (
Tuesday, November 11
Veterans Day Observance
The 25th Annual Veterans Day Observance will be held Tuesday, November 11 at 2 p.m. at the Ravalli County Museum, 205 Bedford, Hamilton. Always held on Veterans Day, the program begins at the Doughboy with the laying of the wreaths by Veterans Organizations and Auxiliaries. Refreshments will be served. Come and join in this annual program honoring our service men and women. Call 363-3338 for more information.
The ‘Conversation’ that Makes a Difference
Have you had the “conversation” with your loved-ones? It’s not easy to talk about dying at any age, but it’s important. One does not know when this day will come and being prepared makes it a whole lot easier on your loved ones. Over 60% of people say that not burdening family with tough decisions is important to them but 56% have not communicated their wishes to their family members. Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital is having a free engaging and interactive Educational Class on Tuesday, November 11 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms B/C. Participate with Jane Hron, RN in the “Conversation Workshop” and explore solutions to ensure your family is not burdened with tough decisions. We are all individuals and have personal end-of-life desires; walk through the process and be enlightened about how the conversation can make all the difference in the world. For more information, visit or call 363-2211.
Sapphire Quilt Club
The Sapphire Quilt Club will meet on Tuesday, November 11 at 7 p.m. at the Stevi Senior Center, 100 Mission Street, Stevensville. There will be a demonstration on Disappearing Hourglass and Disappearing Pinwheel blocks construction. Come meet and learn with some great fun people. Quilters from beginner to very experienced are always welcome. For information call Judy at 363-4676.
Stevi school board
The regular meeting of the Stevensville School Board of Trustees will be on Tuesday, November 11 at 7 p.m. in the Music Center Choir Room.
Wednesday, November 12
Harvest Dinner
The Victor Women’s Circle of Victor Community Church is sponsoring a Harvest Dinner on Wednesday, November12 from 6 to 8 p.m. They will be serving homemade beef stew, cornbread, rolls, desserts and coffee. This is a community outreach project. Everybody is welcome and it is a free will offering event. The church is located on the corner of 5th and Martin in Victor.
York Rite Masons
The York Rite Masons of Hamilton will have a Council meeting on Wednesday, November 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Masonic Lodge Hall, 115 S. 3rd Street, Hamilton. There will be the first vote on changes to the by-laws. The meeting will be preceded by a potluck supper prepared by the ladies at 6:30 p.m. in the north lounge. All members are encouraged to attend and sojourning members in good standing are invited to attend. Ladies are invited to the potluck supper. Call Fred at 363-0768 for more information.